7-STEP UGC Portfolio: ULTIMATE Guide For Creators And Brands

Ioana Cozma
May 30, 2024
May 30, 2024

Ever wondered about the inner workings of collaborations between user-generated content (UGC) creators and brands?

Well, the entire process starts with the UGC portfolio of a content creator.

That’s why the creator should share their UGC portfolio with the brand, showcasing all the relevant information and UGC examples.

For an established UGC creator, having a UGC portfolio is nearly non-negotiable, and brands should consistently insist on reviewing the portfolio of any UGC creator they are considering for collaboration.

Here’s how you do both.


  • UGC Portfolio Importance: A UGC (User-Generated Content) portfolio is crucial for creators to showcase their work and for brands to assess potential collaborations.
  • Key Components of a UGC Portfolio: Includes a cover page, unique selling proposition (USP), examples of work, testimonials/case studies, pricing packages, and contact information.
  • Creating a Compelling Portfolio: Focus on showcasing high-quality content, maintaining a clear niche focus, and presenting content that demonstrates versatility and creativity.
  • For Brands: When evaluating a creator’s portfolio, look for content alignment with brand values, audience demographics match, high engagement rates, content quality, authenticity, previous successful collaborations, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Third-Party Platforms: Platforms like Showcase can simplify the process of finding and collaborating with the right UGC creator by filtering based on various criteria.
  • Overall Importance: UGC portfolios facilitate effective brand-creator collaborations by providing a comprehensive view of a creator’s capabilities, style, and potential value to a brand.

What Is A UGC Portfolio?

A UGC portfolio is a curated collection of content created by users that showcases their experiences, opinions, and interactions with a brand or product.

These portfolios feature customer reviews, testimonials, images, and videos, fostering a sense of trust among potential customers.

For a UGC content creator, a UGC portfolio is like a solo exhibition where they can showcase their expertise in content creation, show high-quality content examples, and establish credibility as a trusted content creator.

For a brand, a creator’s UGC portfolio is a shortcut to each important piece of information needed for deciding whether to collaborate with a specific creator or not.

A well-crafted UGC portfolio is concise and directly relevant to its target viewer. At first, it may seem like a hassle to put everything together, but once it is done, it is worth the time because it makes collaboration so much easier for both creators and brands.

How To Create A UGC Portfolio?

While there is no single way to build a UGC portfolio that resonates with brands and potential clients, there are essential components that can make or break one.

In the section below, we outline the key components of a compelling UGC portfolio, offering insights into elements such as the cover page, unique selling proposition (USP), contact information, case studies, examples of work, testimonials, and pricing packages.

1. Cover Page

This page aims for precision, offering essential details such as the creator’s name, a picture, and a clear outline of the specific services provided.

A good cover page clearly articulates the solutions the creator offers to brands.

It outlines the distinct capabilities and services the creator can deliver, providing an understanding of how their expertise can benefit brands. These services often include reviews, unboxings, tutorials, vlogs, demos, testimonials, and many more.

Pro Tip for Creators: Ensure that your social platform handles are clearly displayed on each page, beginning with this one.

The point is to help brands locate and review your content on these platforms.

2. USP Page

This page serves to identify the specific niche or niches in which the creator excels.

While it may be tempting to claim proficiency in creating diverse content for various niches, doing so suggests a lack of focus in content creation.

Maintaining a dedicated focus on one or a few themes or niches demonstrates experience and a unique style and conveys a sense of expertise.

This is also where the UGC creator identifies what sets them apart from other creators in their chosen niche(s).

It may be the creator’s prior industry experience, UGC content format, unique storytelling skills, or tried-and-true content creation method.

In essence, this page articulates why this particular UGC creator excels in what they do.

Pro Tip for Creators: It is a good idea to showcase your location based on this page because brands with physical products may not ship to your location.

This UGC portfolio gives an effective USP script by stating a common problem for brands and explaining how she offers to solve it:


Case Study Break – Content Niche Matters

Soylent aimed to raise awareness about their new product lines catering to diverse interests such as outdoors, hiking, gaming, etc.

To accomplish this, they required an efficient content creation process capable of delivering content across multiple niches simultaneously.

inBeat implemented a niche-specific content creation and distribution strategy throughout the influencer sourcing and content creation process, resulting in 5M+ impressions and the creation of 35+ reusable content assets for the brand.

And that’s (mostly) because we found the right influencers with the right USPs


3. Examples of Work

If the UGC portfolio is a 6-course dinner experience, this page is the main course.

This is where the chef (UGC creator) shines.

As the chef, a creator must add each ingredient in the right proportion to ensure the meal tastes delicious.

Similarly, like everything in user generated content, balance is the key here too.

Including every single piece of UGC a creator has produced would be excessive, potentially leading to confusion and rendering much of the content unnoticed.

The primary goal here is to emphasize the quality rather than the quantity of content and highlight the creator’s proficiency in content creation.

Demonstrating adaptability and versatility involves presenting diverse content types such as voiceovers, tutorials, reviews, aesthetic vlogs, and text-only videos.

Selecting high-performing content is strong evidence that the creator’s content is effective.

Structurally, organizing this section into distinct themes facilitates easy navigation, allowing brands to find what they seek quickly.

Adding descriptive captions explaining the type of content, the brand, and the product is also a useful way to build an orderly portfolio.

Pro tip: Include a variety of formats, such as videos, images, and written testimonials.

Showing your versatility across different types of content is key.

Here’s a good example of a UGC portfolio organization based on structures:


This UGC creator categorizes her content into distinct segments, including Beauty, Travel, Tutorials, Wellness, Fashion, and Lifestyle.

This type of arrangement helps prospective clients seeking her past content within specific niches, ensuring easy accessibility.

Pro Tip for Creators: Incorporate a video example featuring your voice, particularly if you routinely use it in your content.

Beyond conveying the tone, such videos also spotlight your accent, which may hold importance for some brands.

4. Client Testimonials / Case Studies

Collect feedback from clients and prominently showcase it in the UGC portfolio to build credibility as a UGC creator.

Implementing a star rating system and asking for concise written feedback from clients proves invaluable for the long-term success of a UGC portfolio.

Taking it a step further, consider incorporating one or two case studies highlighting specific collaborations.

These case studies should outline the brand’s brief and the creator’s solution in terms of content type.

Supporting this narrative with relevant numbers or statistics detailing the performance of the specific UGC content for the product or service is a sound way to impress potential clients.

We find the testimonials section of this UGC portfolio accurate and compelling.

Plus, they build social proof quite nicely:

5. Packages & Rates

This section provides a straightforward overview of rates for each content type and creator package.

Here, emphasizing the value clients can expect with each offering is essential for a potential collaboration.

Transparent pricing ensures that potential collaborators understand the investment associated with the creator’s creative expertise.

Additionally, incorporating estimated delivery times for each content type and/or package provides a sense of predictability and makes it easier to create a posting schedule for both parties.

Curious about how pricing works for UGC content? Read our defiitive guide on UGC rates

6. Contact Information

This section concludes the UGC Portfolio with readily available contact information.

The essentials are the creator’s email address for business inquiries and their social media handles.

Although optional, some creators may include their mobile phone numbers.

The rule is to make it easy for brands, fellow creators, or potential clients to reach out for collaborations, partnerships, or inquiries.

Pro Tip for Creators: Inserting a direct link to schedule a call through Calendy or another platform is an efficient CTA for brands to arrange a call on the spot.

7. Design

Designing a UGC portfolio is crucial for making a strong impression on potential collaborators.

Here’s how to create an eye-catching, effective design that showcases your content for brands:

  • Clean design: Keep your portfolio simple and professional. Avoid clutter by using white space effectively to give your content room to breathe. This makes it easier for brands to navigate through your portfolio.

  • Organize content into categories: Segment your portfolio content into distinct categories like product reviews, tutorials, and lifestyle shots. This helps brands find relevant examples easily.

  • Consistent Design Elements: Use consistent fonts, colors, and design elements throughout your portfolio to create a cohesive look. This reflects professionalism and attention to detail.

  • Calls to Action: Include clear calls to action throughout your portfolio, such as links to your social media platforms or a direct way to contact you. This encourages brands to reach out for collaborations.

  • Use Portfolio Examples for Inspiration: Look at portfolio examples from successful UGC creators for inspiration. Learn from their layout, design choices, and how they present their content.

UGC Portfolio Template

Here’s a simple yet effective UGC portfolio template based on the advice above.

Feel free to copy and customize it to fit your unique style and content.

[Your Name] UGC Portfolio

Cover Page:

  • Your name
  • Professional photo
  • Brief overview of your services
  • Social media handles

1. Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • Define your niche(s)
  • Explain what sets you apart from other creators
  • Highlight your unique storytelling skills or content creation methods

2. Examples of Work:

  • Category 1: Product Reviews
    • Description of the project
    • High-quality images or video examples
    • Brand name and product
  • Category 2: Tutorials
    • Step-by-step tutorial videos
    • Before-and-after shots
    • Brief explanations
  • Category 3: Lifestyle Shots
    • Short-form video examples
    • Captivating content that showcases your daily life
    • Descriptive captions

3. Client Testimonials / Case Studies:

  • Short testimonials from previous clients
  • Star ratings
  • Brief case studies with performance metrics (e.g., engagement rates, impressions)

4. Packages & Rates:

  • Clear pricing for different types of content (e.g., product reviews, social media posts)
  • Package options for brands to choose from
  • Estimated delivery times

5. Contact Information:

  • Email address
  • Social media handles
  • Optional: Phone number or direct link to schedule a call

By following this UGC portfolio template, you can create a structured and appealing showcase of your work.

This template ensures you include all essential components, making it easier for brands to evaluate your skills and potentially collaborate with you.

What To Look For In A UGC Creator Portfolio as a Brand?

A successful partnership requires a successful fit between the UGC creator’s offers and the brand’s expectations.

Below, we provide a 7-step plan on what exactly to look for in a creator’s UGC portfolio to determine whether a potential collaboration would bring desired outcomes.

This way, your marketing team can make informed decisions and establish successful collaborations that benefit your brand and the creator.

  • Relevance and Alignment: Ensure that the creator’s content aligns with the brand’s values, target audience, and the nature of your product or service. The content should resonate with the brand’s messaging and image. Even the creator’s stylistic choices, thematic color palette, and location can play a role in determining the potential alignment.

For example, a young female UGC creator specializing in the beauty and lifestyle niche might not be the most suitable choice for promoting a mobile warzone game.

While the creator’s skills may be adept for content creation, the mismatch in content themes could result in a less favorable reception from viewers.

  • Audience Demographics: Analyze the demographics of the creator’s audience. Verify if their follower base matches the brand’s target demographic for the specific product or service. In targeted marketing, understanding the audience’s age, location, interests, and behaviors is crucial for showing the right content to the right audience.

On a more practical note, assess whether most of the creator’s followers are located in the geographic regions where your brand offers specific services or ships its products.

Case Study Break – Demographics Matter

New York itself has realized the power of user-generated content. Yes, the city.

Since reaching young voters through traditional media channels is becoming more difficult every day, the City of New York decided to contact them where they are – TikTok.

For this, NYC collaborated with various local influencers from different backgrounds to spread the word on voting in a TikTok native format.

  • Engagement Rate: Evaluate the creator’s engagement rate on their content. A high number of followers is good, but genuine engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares, is a better indicator of the creator’s influence and connection with their audience. Remember that a high impression rate does not always translate into a high conversion rate.
  • Content Quality: Review the quality of the creator’s content, including the visual appeal, creativity, and consistency. Ensure that their content standards align with your brand’s image and aesthetic.

Here are a few questions to ask when assessing the content quality:

–Does the content stick to the Direct Response formula?

–Does the content involve the right hooks and CTAs to drive action?

–Does the content creator get creative with each different product or service or repurpose the same content repeatedly?

  • Authenticity: When reviewing the content examples on a UGC portfolio, ask yourself if these pieces of content feel like a recommendation from a trusted friend. Genuine and authentic creators are more likely to build trust with their audience, which can positively impact how the brand is perceived.
  • Previous Collaborations: Examine the creator’s track record with previous collaborations. Successful partnerships and campaigns that are completed ensure that the creator has experience working with brands and delivering on their promises. A track record of delivering results for other brands demonstrates reliability and competence.
  • Cost and Value: Consider the creator’s pricing structure in relation to the value they bring to the brand. Ensure that the cost your brand will pay aligns with the quality & quantity of content the creator offers.
Have you already decided to work with a UGC creator but not sure how to provide a brief for them? Read our Guide to Crafting an Effective Influencer Brief.

Is There A Third Option?


You can find the right UGC creators by using a UGC platform.

Platforms like Showcase empower clients to efficiently filter potential content creators based on various criteria such as price, country, language, niche, delivery days, age, and gender.

Showcase’s streamlined system simplifies the collaboration process, making it easy to find a content creator who perfectly aligns with your brand’s niche, values, messaging, and demographic.

By minimizing the time spent searching for the right creator and reducing back-and-forth communication, Showcase enables both parties to concentrate on the content brief, enhancing the overall collaboration experience.

In Short – UGC Portfolios Facilitate The Brand-Creator Collaboration

It’s confirmed: UGC portfolios are pivotal in creator-brand collaborations.

For a successful collaboration kickoff, content creators must craft a compelling UGC portfolio encompassing a cover page, USP page, niche-specific work examples, testimonials, case studies, pricing, and contact information.

Brands, too, need to review UGC portfolios adeptly, ensuring a creator’s style aligns with the brand’s ethos and their audience resonates with the target audience of the brand’s product or service.

However, if you wish to skip ahead a few steps and discover the ideal UGC content creator for your brand, explore Showcase’s extensive selection of creators.

Want more examples of successful influencer marketing campaigns? Check out case studies of our influencer marketing agency in Toronto!

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