How to Create UGC Ads that Deliver - The Ultimate Guide (UGC Strategies For Ads)

Sehar Fatima
July 22, 2024
July 18, 2024

Did you know that nearly 40% of shoppers find user-generated content (UGC) extremely or very important when making a purchasing decision?

In fact, many consumers consider UGC as more authentic and credible than traditional advertising which leads to higher engagement and conversion rates. 

However, to truly get the most out of UGC, you must know the right strategies to create and use it.

Worry not because, in this article, we'll discuss everything you need to craft compelling UGC campaigns, including: 

  • Benefits, types, and elements of UGCs
  • Strategies to create effective UGC videos 
  • Successful UGC case studies 
PS: Want to create UGC campaigns that drive results? inBeat can help you out. We generate performance-driven, user-generated content based on your audience's interests. Our creators have a complete understanding of different social media platforms and current trends to generate winning creatives with low CPAs. 


Importance of UGC: 40% of shoppers find user-generated content (UGC) crucial for making purchasing decisions, valuing its authenticity over traditional advertising.

Benefits of UGC: Enhances trust, increases engagement, improves SEO, cost-effective, provides social proof, and extends brand reach.

Types of UGC: Includes text (like tweets and blog posts), images (user-shared photos), videos (tutorials and testimonials), reviews (on e-commerce and review platforms), and social media posts.

Effective UGC Strategies:

  • Define Goals and Audience: Set clear objectives and understand the target demographic.
  • Choose the Right Platforms: Opt for platforms frequented by the target audience, such as Instagram for visuals or YouTube for video content.
  • Establish Clear Guidelines: Provide content creators with detailed instructions on the desired content style and legal requirements.
  • Incorporate UGC in Ads: Use high-impact user content to enhance ad authenticity and relatability.
  • Encourage Participation: Motivate audience to create content through incentives and simple participation processes.
  • Use Management Tools: Leverage tools like Stackla and Canva to manage and enhance UGC.
  • Measure Success: Track performance using KPIs and analytics to gauge impact and ROI.

Successful Case Studies: Examples include Bluehouse Salmon and Bumble, which saw significant engagement and growth through tailored UGC campaigns.

inBeat Services: Offers content creation and influencer marketing to harness the power of UGC effectively.

What are UGC Ads? 

User-generated content ads are advertisements that feature content created by customers or users rather than the brand itself.

This content can include reviews, testimonials, photos, videos, and social media posts that showcase real-life experiences with a product or service. 

UGC ads leverage the authenticity and trustworthiness of user-generated content to engage potential customers more effectively.

Benefits of UGC

The below advantages highlight why integrating UGC into your content strategy can be a powerful move: 

  • Increased trust: UGC serves as authentic proof that real people are using and enjoying a product or service, which helps build trust with potential consumers. Almost 84% of Generation Z feel more confident in brands that feature real customers in their advertisements.
  • Improved engagement: User-generated content typically garners 50% higher engagement rates because it's relatable and perceived as more genuine. As UGC reflects real-life experiences, this authenticity resonates with audiences and leads to more likes, comments, shares, and overall interaction.
  • Better SEO performance: UGC can improve search engine optimization by generating fresh, relevant content that keeps your website dynamic. For instance, a study suggests that it can enhance SEO rankings for product pages by as much as 25%.  
  • Cost-effective: Marketing content based on UGCs receives click-through rates that are four times higher and cost 50% less per click compared to typical ads. This efficiency can lead to significant savings in advertising budgets while also increasing the effectiveness of the campaigns.
  • Enhanced social proof: UGC acts as social proof as it shows potential customers the real-life application of a product or service. When your target audience sees others endorse a product organically, it can influence their purchasing decisions positively. 
  • Greater reach: When users share content, your brand is exposed to a wider audience. It is anticipated that by 2032, user-generated content will surpass the average reach of brand-generated content by 60%. 

Types of UGC 

There are multiple types of UGC, each affecting different aspects of consumer interaction.

Let’s have a look at them: 

1. Text

This includes blog posts, comments, and tweets.

Text-based UGC can drive discussions, offer valuable insights, and create a sense of community.

Moreover, it improves SEO rankings through keyword-rich material to help your brand become more discoverable on search engines. 

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2. Images

User-shared photos on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest can visually engage viewers.

These showcase real-life uses of a brand’s products or services in authentic settings. 56% of consumers are more inclined to purchase a product after viewing its image presented positively and relatably in UGC.

For example, our inBeat team helped Soylent create UGC images featuring their products in various niche settings, such as hiking and riding, to drive awareness and engagement for their new product lines. 

Results included over 5 million impressions from 50+ content assets made by just 10 creators.

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3. Videos

Videos, including tutorials, unboxings, and testimonials shared on platforms like YouTube and TikTok, offer a dynamic way to demonstrate product benefits and user satisfaction.

According to research, UGC videos on YouTube receive ten times more views than those produced by brands.

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4. Reviews

Customer reviews on e-commerce sites or review platforms serve as powerful social proof and guide potential buyers' decisions.

Before deciding to purchase, 70% of consumers take into account user-generated reviews. 

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5. Social media posts 

Posts on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, whether they're status updates, pictures, or videos, expand the reach and promote community interaction.

This can amplify brand visibility organically.

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Elements of Successful UGC

To ensure the success of your UGC campaign, make sure it has the following basic elements: 

  • Authenticity: A UGC that features real and honest reviews is perceived as more transparent and reliable, in contrast with the overly curated and sales-driven content produced by brands.  
  • Relevance with the audience: To be effective, user-generated content must speak directly to the target audience. It should reflect the demographics, preferences, and concerns of those it aims to engage.
  • Emotional connect: An effective UGC shall create an emotional bond with viewers and evoke feelings like joy, nostalgia, or inspiration. This can drive deeper consumer engagement and loyalty.
  • Attention-grabbing storytelling: Compelling narratives in UGC capture attention and make the content memorable. inBeat influencers use relatable and engaging stories to keep the audience interested.
  • Alignment with brand values: For UGC to positively impact a business, it must align with its core message. This helps reinforce the brand’s identity and ensures consistency across content.

7 Important Strategies to Create Successful UGC

Let’s explore some tried-and-tested tips to create top-notch user-generated content for your brand:

1. Set Clear Objectives and Define Target Audience 

The process of creating successful UGC campaigns begins with clear, well-defined goals and an understanding of your target audience.

This strategic foundation ensures that every piece of content aligns with your brand's objectives and resonates with the intended demographic. 

At inBeat, we follow the below strategies for this purpose: 

  • Define specific objectives: We first establish what we want to achieve with our UGC videos, whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or improving customer loyalty. Using SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) helps us outline and follow our campaign goals better. 
  • Identify and understand the audience: Our inBeat experts use tools like Google Analytics and social media insights to gain a deep understanding of our target audience's demographics, interests, and behaviors. This data then guides the creation of content that truly speaks to our users.
  • Segment the audiences for tailored campaigns: After that, we break our audience into smaller segments to tailor more personally relevant and engaging campaigns. Tools like Facebook's Audience Insights are particularly effective in helping us fine-tune these segments.

Pro Tip: We recommend conducting surveys to directly engage your audience and understand their preferences and pain points.

This firsthand feedback can help you set precise, audience-centric objectives for your UGC campaign. 

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2. Select Suitable Platforms 

The right platform choice should be guided by where your target audience spends their time and interacts most.

Consider factors such as the demographic profile of the platform's users, the type of content that performs best on each medium, and the nature of engagement that can be achieved. 

Let’s have a look at a few such channels which work the best for UGC: 

  • Instagram: Instagram is perfect for targeting younger demographics who engage with images and videos. Here, posts that include user-generated content experience 70% increased engagement rates. This platform is particularly beneficial for the fashion, lifestyle, and food industries due to its highly visual nature. 
  • YouTube: Best suited for long-form video content, YouTube reaches a broad audience and is ideal for in-depth product reviews, tutorials, and storytelling. It's particularly effective if your brand is based on niches like tech, entertainment, and education, where detailed explanations or demonstrations are valuable.
  • TikTok, Pinterest & Twitter: You can also post UGC content on these platforms based on specific needs. For instance, TikTok offers tremendous reach among Gen Z and is suitable for viral challenges. Pinterest, on the other hand, works well for influencing purchasing decisions in DIY, home decor, and cooking. For news and event-focused UGC, you can leverage Twitter’s user base. 

Pro Tip: inBeat experts leverage platform analytic tools like Socialbakers to continuously monitor which platforms are currently trending among our target demographics.

We then match our content with the right audience and adapt to shifting platform popularity via these insights. This ensures maximum visibility and engagement for our campaigns. 

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3. Establish a Clear Framework 

The next step involves setting a clear framework for your expectations from the UGC videos.

This helps promote a transparent relationship between your brand and the content creators while ensuring a smooth process in terms of both content creation and its usage.

At inBeat, we make sure to follow the below steps to tackle this aspect: 

  • Outline clear content guidelines: Our experts provide specific details on the type of content we desire. The major focus is on explaining aspects like theme, style, technical requirements, and narrative tone. We also ensure that these guidelines are easily accessible so contributors can produce content that aligns with our campaign’s objectives.

Pro Tip: Steal our free UGC brief template.

  • Specify legal requirements: We clearly communicate the legal permissions of submitting UGC. This includes how the content will be used, shared, or featured so users know and agree to these terms before participating. We also ask their permission if we intend to repurpose content in the future to avoid any misunderstandings and ensure compliance with copyright laws.
  • Encourage creative freedom within boundaries: At inBeat, the contributors are given freedom within the set guidelines to encourage more genuine and engaging content. We even provide examples of ideal submissions to inspire creativity. This leads to innovative results that resonate more deeply with audiences.

Pro Tip: We recommend using platforms like TINT to efficiently manage the permissions and rights associated with UGC.

This tool automates the legal aspects of content use and helps organize a compliant and ready-to-use content library. 

4. Incorporate UGC into the Ads Campaign 

Adding UGC to your advertising campaigns can significantly enhance the authenticity and relatability of your brand's messaging.

It acts as a powerful endorsement from consumers, increasing the trustworthiness of your ads and adding the engaging factor. 

Let’s have a look at some strategies through which you can seamlessly implement it: 

  • Select high-impact UGC: Carefully select UGC videos that have already performed well in the testing phase. Its content should showcase your products in use, highlight positive experiences, and address common customer pain points. This helps reinforce the product's value and showcases customer satisfaction levels, which can prompt others to try it out. 
  • Use UGC for targeted advertisements: Leverage UGC in targeted ads on platforms where your audience is most active. For instance, you can use Instagram stories for a Gen-Z demographic or Facebook posts for a broader audience range. Also, customize its format, style, and presentation to fit the context of each platform to maximize its relevance. 

Pro Tip: To effectively integrate UGC into ad campaigns, our team at inBeat employs sentiment analysis tools to gauge the emotional impact of content. Through analyzing user feedback, we can strategically select content that has been proven to evoke the desired feelings and associations with a business.

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5. Encourage Participation

Motivating your audience to create and share content is crucial for the success of your UGC campaign.

The more participants you have, the more diverse and engaging your content will be. At inBeat, we’ve developed effective strategies to encourage maximum participation from our audience.

Let’s see how you can encourage participation:

  • Create incentives: Offer rewards such as discounts, exclusive access, or recognition to those who contribute high-quality UGC. This can significantly boost participation rates. For example, reward top contributors with exclusive previews of upcoming features or special mentions in our newsletters.
  • Simplify the process: Make it easy for users to submit their content. Provide clear instructions and use user-friendly platforms for submission. Moreover, streamline the submission process by integrating easy-to-use forms and leveraging social media platforms where our audience is most active.
  • Engage with contributors: Acknowledge and share user-generated content on your official channels. Engaging with contributors by liking, commenting, or sharing their posts can encourage more users to participate. Ensure that every piece of UGC is acknowledged and features these contributions in our marketing campaigns, giving credit to the creators.

Pro Tip: You can run contests or challenges to spark interest among your audience. These activities can generate a lot of UGC in a short period and increase overall engagement. For example, we at inBeat frequently host themed challenges that align with the brand’s values and our current campaigns. This encourages users to showcase their creativity while interacting with our products.

6. Leverage Content Management and Enhancement Tools 

Remember that not all content submitted by users is high-quality.

Therefore, leveraging content management and enhancement tools is necessary.

However, you can avoid this entire hassle by engaging high-quality content creators from the start, as they can produce organic-looking, raw assets that align with your brand’s standards.

inBeat experts use the following tools to improve the quality of UGCs: 

  • Stackla: It helps us aggregate UGC from multiple sources and uses AI to identify and highlight the most engaging content. We also use this tool to organize and manage UGC effectively by tagging and categorizing content. This makes it easy for us to retrieve specific assets for different campaigns. 
  • Canva: With this tool, we can access intuitive design tools to edit and enhance UGC photos and videos quickly, add branded elements, and ensure visual consistency. Furthermore, Canva’s collaboration features allow our team to work in real-time to refine the content before publication. 
  • Hootsuite: We use Hootsuite to schedule UGC across various social media platforms. Furthermore, the tool’s social listening capabilities enable us to monitor conversations around our UGC and respond promptly to audience interactions. 

Pro Tip: We suggest using Luminar AI to enhance the visual quality of UGC automatically.

This tool adjusts lighting, color balance, and clarity to transform raw user submissions into professional-looking content while preserving their authentic feel. 

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7. Monitor and Measure the Success 

It’s important to track the UGC campaigns after they launch, as this helps understand their impact.

This way, you can know which aspects are performing well and which need improvement. Consequently, this approach can maximize your ROI.  

Our inBeat team uses the following tricks to monitor the success rate of UGC campaigns: 

  • Setting specific KPIs and using analytics tools: We define crucial KPIs such as engagement metrics, reach, and conversion rates to clearly understand how UGC contributes to marketing goals. Moreover, tools like Google Analytics help us track website traffic originating from this type of content, while HubSpot can measure how UGC influences sales. 
  • Engagement tracking with social media tools: Our experts also use platforms like Hootsuite to monitor detailed engagement metrics, including likes, comments, shares, and video views. Such tools offer a comprehensive dashboard on the social media performance of UGCs to identify which types of content generate the most interaction and buzz. 
  • ROI calculation: We also use a specific tool to calculate the ROI of UGC campaigns. It allows us to input details such as budget, average followers per influencer, and content type (posts, stories, videos). This helps us adjust campaign variables effectively and justify our budgets.

Pro Tip: At inBeat, we implement A/B testing by experimenting with different content hooks and styles.

We then measure the performance of these variations based on different metrics like engagement rates, CTR, and conversions to finalize the most effective content. 

P.S. To evaluate the effectiveness of specific content creators, we have our own engagement rate calculators for TikTok and Instagram

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Successful UGC Campaigns - Case Studies 

Now let’s see how our inBeat professionals have helped leading brands leverage the power of user-generated content to achieve remarkable growth:

1. Bluehouse Salmon 

Bluehouse Salmon partnered with inBeat to stand out as a premium, sushi-grade salmon brand by leveraging user-generated content.

The employed strategy aimed to enhance their social media presence and enrich their content calendar with a steady flow of cooking tutorials, sushi recipes, and educational posts on sustainability. 


Through this approach, the brand achieved over 500 unique content assets, a monthly follower growth of over 3,000, and a 1900% increase in followers over 12 months.

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2. Bumble

In partnership with inBeat, Bumble created an innovative UGC campaign that involved users showcasing their genuine first-date experiences.

The aim was to make the ads feel like native content.


The organic nature of the campaign helped achieve higher viewer engagement and interest.

Moreover, the content resonated deeply with Bumble’s audience which enhanced the app’s appeal.

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3. Native

Native partnered with inBeat to quickly generate a large volume of diverse content cost-effectively.

The brand sourced a highly diverse group of micro-creators from the agency, who created unique and authentic photo and video assets of Native products.


The campaign generated over 1,000 content assets, while the brand also launched 5 collection releases and exceeded its initial content targets by 200%.

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Enhance Your Engagement with High-Quality UGCs by inBeat

With the above-mentioned steps and strategies, you're now well-equipped to craft UGC ads that resonate with your audience and drive conversions.

Remember, UGC thrives on authenticity, so empower your creators and embrace the raw energy it brings. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • UGC has a lot of benefits, including increased trust, improved engagement, better SEO performance, etc. 
  • Types of UGC include text, images, videos, reviews, and social media posts.
  • Make sure your UGC ads have authenticity, emotional connection, relevance, and emotional storytelling to ensure their success. 
  • Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, and TikTok are ideal for different types of UGC based on content and audience.
  • Monitor and measure UGC success by setting specific KPIs, tracking engagement, and calculating ROI.

Still confused about how to leverage UGC for your brand’s success?

inBeat can be your assisting partner!

We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including content creation, influencer marketing, and micro-influencer recruitment. This ensures your brand receives only the most authentic content that reaches and engages your audience effectively. 

Collaborate now with our creators to acquire UGC that organically highlights your services!

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