Top 30 Pet Influencers in New York

Tamara Jovanovic
May 21, 2024
November 20, 2023
New York, known for being up all the time, has all kinds of animals – not just people – that are becoming stars on social media platforms.

We’ve got stylish dogs and cats with tons of personality taking over NYC’s social media scene and picking up lots of fans as they go.

But this article isn’t just about how adorable our furry friends are.

We’re here to show off the Top 30 Pet Influencers in New York who are making a name for themselves in today’s online world.

These pets are more than just buddies; they’re setting trends and showing off brands, and some are even helping out good causes with every photo they share.

So, get ready to double-tap and share because we’re going to introduce you to the daily dose of New York’s most fabulous pets.

They’re hanging out in fancy pet-friendly spots or taking walks in Central Park, and they’re doing more than looking cute – they’re becoming a part of the culture.

Pet lovers, let’s go meet the animal celebs that are making people smile and starting a buzz all over town.


We’ve utilized the Instagram Engagement Calculator to analyze just how much these industry influencers actually influence their audiences by analyzing engagements per post and other important metrics. Try it out!

Pet Macro-Influencers in New York

1. @samsonthedood | Samson The Goldendoodle


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Kids, Family, Lifestyle, Travel

Self intro: “It started with Samson the DOOD (and his sons Charley & Shea) 🐶🐶🐶 – evolved into the whole fam + Theo 🧒🏼 and Vivienne 👶🏻 Play. Smile. Cuddle. Repeat!✨”

Other channels: Facebook | Twitter | TikTok

Contact details: [emailprotected]

In the bustling city of New York, there’s a heartwarming tale of pet ownership and the joy it brings to a family. Meet Samson

The Goldendoodle, a charismatic and lovable canine, alongside his human companions, their kids, Theo and Vivienne.

Samson’s social media presence has turned him into a genuine pet macro-influencer. It all started with Samson, and his journey has been nothing short of inspiring.

Samson and his sons, Charley and Shea, have become animal lovers’ icons on social media. Their account is a testament to the strong bond between pets and their families.

Samson’s journey encompasses more than just pet ownership; it’s about the love, joy, and sense of belonging that a furry friend can bring to a family.

The photos and stories they share reflect a lifestyle filled with adventure, travel, and, most importantly, the precious moments of play, smiles, cuddles, and repeat.

In a world filled with digital noise, Samson and his family have carved out a space where the simple joys of life, embodied in their pet-centric content, truly shine.

Instagram account analysis

@samsonthedood Instagram account analysis

2. @madmax_fluffyroad | Maxine the Fluffy Corgi


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Travel, Veterinary, Humor

Self intro: “Short legs, big city”

Other channels: Website | YouTube | TikTok

Contact details: [emailprotected]

In the heart of the city that never sleeps, you’ll find Maxine the Fluffy Corgi, a pet sensation who’s taken the Big Apple by storm.

This furry dog influencer has made a name for herself in the world of pet macro-influencers through her adorable videos, each one more heartwarming than the last.

Maxine has a unique way of making random friends and spreading humor through her content.

Whether she’s embarking on epic travels to discover dog-friendly spots in the city or making a visit to the veterinary clinic with her signature style, Maxine’s social media presence has skyrocketed her to stardom.

With a single post, Maxine can brighten your day and put a smile on your face.

Her playful and endearing antics have solidified her position as one of New York’s most beloved pet influencers, proving that in the world of pet macro-influencers, it’s not just about the city’s skyline; it’s about the short legs that conquer it with style and humor.

Instagram account analysis

@madmax_fluffyroad Instagram account analysis

3. @kittenbnb | Jess Thoren


General information

Topics: Pet, Cats, Veterinary

Self intro: “Hi, I’m Jess Thoren and welcome to my channel! I hope you like kittens because there’s going to be a LOT of them here! I’m excited to share my journey fostering orphan kittens from our local shelter alongside my husband, Erik.”

Other channels: Website | Facebook | YouTube

Contact details: [emailprotected]

In the vibrant world of New York’s pet macro-influencers, there’s a unique and heartwarming presence, and her name is Jess Thoren.

Jess welcomes you with her signature self-introduction, filled with enthusiasm and a hint of what’s to come in her content.

Jess and her husband, Erik, are dedicated to fostering orphan kittens from their local shelter.

While the topics of pet macro-influencers often revolve around dogs, Jess’s focus is on feline companions.

Her social media presence shines brightly as she shares her journey of nurturing and fostering these adorable kittens.

Each of her videos is a testament to her love for these tiny furballs.

Jess’s dedication to the welfare of cats and her ability to capture their cuteness and charm in adorable videos have made her a social media star in her own right.

With every single post, she advocates for the welfare of these furry friends, making her a beloved figure in New York’s pet macro-influencer community.

Instagram account analysis

@kittenbnb Instagram account analysis

4. @poochofnyc | Agador


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Dog’s Fashion, Humor

Self intro: “I am the Bob Ross of Dogs!”

Other channels: Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | TikTok

Contact details: n/a

Among pet macro-influencers in New York, one name that stands out is Agador, who proudly proclaims, “I am the Bob Ross of Dogs!” Agador’s social media presence is a colorful canvas of pet fashion, humor, and canine charisma.

Agador, a furry dog influencer, has become a star in the world of pet macro-influencers, thanks to his unique approach to dog fashion.

His social media profiles are a testament to his vibrant personality and his ability to put a humorous twist on doggie style.

Whether he’s rocking trendy outfits or simply bringing smiles with his comical expressions, Agador is a fashion-forward pup.

With a growing fan base, Agador collaborates with pet brands to showcase the latest trends and accessories for dogs, making him a sought-after influencer in the pet fashion world.

In a city known for its diverse talents, Agador’s paw-some style and humor are a breath of fresh air, proving that every dog has its day in the world of pet macro-influencers.

Instagram account analysis

@poochofnyc Instagram account analysis

5. @dash_and_furrious | Dash The Corgi


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Family, Travel

Self intro: “Just a corgi that likes to throw stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”

Other channels: | Facebook | YouTube | TikTok

Contact details: [emailprotected]

In the vibrant world of pet macro-influencers in the city that never sleeps, meet Dash The Corgi, the lovable pup.

Dash has won the hearts of many as a furry dog influencer, charming audiences with his adorable antics.

Dash’s social media presence is a treasure trove of adorable videos that showcase the delightful moments he shares with his family, especially during their exciting travels. Dash is not just a pet; he’s an integral part of a loving family that enjoys life to the fullest.

As one of New York’s pet macro-influencers, Dash has risen to stardom through his captivating and heartwarming content.

His adorable videos capture the essence of what it means to have a four-legged family member, and he’s become one of the city’s beloved social media stars.

With Dash, it’s not just about being a pet; it’s about being a cherished member of a loving family, and that’s a story that resonates with pet enthusiasts everywhere.

Instagram account analysis

@dash_and_furrious Instagram account analysis

6. @outdoorbengal | Albert & Mia


General information

Topics: Pet, Cat, Travel, Lifestyle

Self intro: “Helping cat parents do more with their cats”

Other channels: Website | Facebook | TikTok

Contact details: n/a

Did you know that in NYC, there’s a dynamic feline duo known as Albert & Mia that is devoted to helping cat parents?

Their mission is to enrich the lives of their own kind and those who share their love for cats.

Albert and Mia have carved their unique niche in the pet macro-influencer scene by showcasing their playful antics, exciting travels, and the vibrant cat-centric lifestyle they lead.

They cater to a wide target audience of cat enthusiasts, providing inspiration and ideas on how to create memorable moments with their feline companions.

As social media stars, their feed is filled with fun videos that capture the essence of their adventures and daily life.

From exploring the city’s pet-friendly hotspots to sharing tips for a cat-centric lifestyle, Albert and Mia have become cherished figures in the pet-loving community of New York, showing that there’s always more to discover and enjoy with our beloved feline friends.

Instagram account analysis

@outdoorbengal Instagram account analysis

General information

Topics: Pet, Cat, Cat’s Fashion, Travel

Self intro: “It’s Okay To Look & Be Different!”

Other channels:| Facebook | TikTok

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Sunglasscat is a shining example of how embracing individuality can make you stand out in the realm of pet macro-influencers in the vibrant city of New York.

Sunglasscat has cultivated a devoted target audience who appreciate the message of celebrating uniqueness, both in cats and humans.

This charismatic feline’s types of content revolve around cat’s fashion and travel, demonstrating that it’s possible to look stylish and enjoy adventures with a feline flair.

Sunglasscat’s playful antics, often enhanced by fashionable accessories, capture the hearts of many.

Whether they’re exploring the city or showcasing the latest in feline fashion, Sunglasscat exemplifies the art of being different and thriving in it.

In the world of pet macro-influencers, Sunglasscat is a beacon of individuality, proving that embracing one’s unique identity can be both inspiring and endearing.

Instagram account analysis

@sunglasscat Instagram account analysis

8. @tinkerbellethedog | Tinkerbelle The Dog® & Belle


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Dog’s Fashion, Travel

Self intro: “NYC dog models•actors•travelers”

Other channels: | Website | Facebook | YouTube | TikTok

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Tinkerbelle The Dog® & Belle are the ultimate canine trendsetters and they exemplify the essence of New York’s pet-loving community.

Tinkerbelle and Belle offer a diverse range of content that caters to their varied target audience.

Their types of content encompass the latest in dog fashion and their exciting travels.

These pet influencers showcase the hottest trends and provide inspiration for pet owners who want to keep their furry friends in style, all while exploring the city’s pet-friendly hotspots.

Collaborating with popular brands, Tinkerbelle The Dog® & Belle has solidified its place as an influencer with a keen sense of style and adventure.

They connect with pet enthusiasts and owners alike, demonstrating that dogs can be more than just loyal companions; they can be fashion-forward and well-traveled trendsetters.

In the world of pet macro-influencers, Tinkerbelle and Belle are the epitome of canine chic in the city that never sleeps.

Instagram account analysis

@tinkerbellethedog Instagram account analysis

9. @louboutinanyc | Louboutina (Loubie)


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Travel

Self intro: “🐶 The Hugging Dog

♦️Spreading love & kindness in the big 🍎 and everywhere”

Other channels: Facebook

Contact details: [emailprotected]

In the heart of New York, there’s a heartwarming sensation known as Louboutina, or Loubie, affectionately dubbed “The Hugging Dog.”

With her self-introduction emphasizing “Spreading love & kindness in the big 🍎 and everywhere, ” Loubie is a unique pet macro-influencer who brings joy and affection to the concrete jungle.

Loubie’s playful antics are a central theme in her content. She’s not just a dog but an ambassador of love and kindness.

Her types of content showcases her heartwarming hugging gestures that resonate with pet lovers everywhere.

Collaborating with popular brands, Loubie has leveraged her unique ability to touch hearts, becoming a beloved figure in the world of pet macro-influencers.

Her work transcends the ordinary and embodies the extraordinary power of spreading love and kindness through her adorable doggy hugs.

In a city that never stops, Louboutina, The Hugging Dog, serves as a reminder of the importance of love, connection, and the simple joy that a pet can bring into our lives.

Instagram account analysis

@louboutinanyc Instagram account analysis

10. @brussels.sprout | Sprout


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Dog’s Fashion, Travel

Self intro: “Just trying to make it in the hustle and Brussel of NYC 💚🐶🌱”

Other channels: | Website | Facebook | YouTube

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the concrete jungle, a furry sensation known as Sprout has captured the hearts of many.

Sprout, a playful and endearing dog, has built a loyal following by showcasing the latest in dog’s fashion and embarking on exciting travels.

Her types of content encompass the glamor and adventure that New York City offers to its residents, both human and canine.

Collaborating with popular brands, Sprout has made her mark in the world of pet macro-influencers.

Her playful antics and fashionable outfits have made her a sought-after model and influencer, inspiring pet owners to explore new horizons with their furry companions.

In a city known for its fashion-forward and adventurous spirit, Sprout shines as a true embodiment of pet fashion and wanderlust. Her journey in the concrete jungle inspires all pet enthusiasts, showcasing that in the world of pet macro-influencers, making it big is all about style, charm, and a sense of adventure.

Instagram account analysis

@brussels.sprout Instagram account analysis
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Pet Micro-Influencers in New York

1. @djangothegent | Django


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Kids, Family

Self intro: “I like cuddling, tacos, and texting girls”

Other channels: Website | Facebook | Pinterest | YouTube

Contact details: [emailprotected]

In the heart of the bustling metropolis of New York, you’ll find a micro-influencer who has taken the world of pets, kids, and families by storm.

Meet Django, whose Instagram handle, @djangothegent, reflects the suave and charming persona he embodies.

Django’s self-introduction, “I like cuddling, tacos, and texting girls, ” is a playful introduction to the world of this lovable dog.

His posts are more than just cute dog pictures; they encapsulate the joys of family life and the bonds that form between pets and children.

With an impressive number of engagements per post, Django has become a darling of popular brands seeking to connect with the family-oriented audience.

His content resonates with those who appreciate the simple pleasures of life, from cuddling to enjoying a tasty taco.

In the realm of pet micro-influencers, Django stands out as a symbol of warmth, family, and the happiness that a furry companion can bring.

Through his Instagram handle, he spreads love and positivity, one cuddle and taco at a time.

Instagram account analysis

@djangothegent Instagram account analysis

2. @kenziethecavapoo | Kenzie The Cavapoo


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Dog’s Fashion, Travel

Self intro: “Cavapoochon puppy livin’ my best life in NYC / DEN”

Other channels: TikTok

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Kenzie The Cavapoo, known by her Instagram handle @kenziethecavapoo, is a star on the rise.

Kenzie’s content is a delightful blend of dog fashion and travel, showcasing the latest trends and hotspots in the city.

With a substantial number of engagements per post, she has garnered a devoted following who appreciates her fashion-forward style and adventures.

Through her Instagram handle, @kenziethecavapoo, Kenzie has carved a niche for herself as a pet micro-influencer.

She exemplifies the art of living one’s best life in the heart of the concrete jungle, all while looking fabulous.

In pet micro-influencers, Kenzie stands as a symbol of style, adventure, and the good life, inspiring her followers to embrace their best life in the big city.

Instagram account analysis

@kenziethecavapoo Instagram account analysis

3. @lulunasty | LuLu Nasty


General information

Topics: Pet, Dogs, Dog’s Fashion, Travel, Family

Self intro: “I’m LuLu. I live in NYC. My B-day is 9/23/08🎂! AKA: LuNasty, the Lu and Piggly. I like to travel, I 💗the beach, and my jeep !”

Other channels: n/a

Contact details: n/a

There’s a charismatic four-legged personality making waves in New York City, and her name is LuLu Nasty.

LuLu’s captivating content covers a wide array of topics, from pets and dogs to the latest in dog fashion and exciting travel adventures.

She personifies the modern pup living a cosmopolitan life, exploring the city’s dog-friendly hotspots and showcasing her impeccable style.

With a heart full of love and a penchant for family outings, LuLu Nasty shares her journey with her devoted followers.

Her charismatic charm, fashionable flair, and zest for life have made her a beloved pet micro-influencer, reminding us all that every day is a day to celebrate the joy of family, fashion, and the thrill of travel.

Instagram account analysis

@lulunasty Instagram account analysis

4. @hamiltonpug | Hamilton + Rufus


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Cat

Self intro: “A rags to riches story. From an Ohio shelter to NYC, where the streets are lined with treats!”

Other channels: Twitter

Contact details: n/a

Hamilton and Rufus, a dynamic duo with a rags-to-riches story, have journeyed from an Ohio animal shelter to the bustling streets of New York City, where they’ve discovered that those very streets are lined with treats.

With a strong presence in the pet world, Hamilton and Rufus cover many topics, primarily about pets, dogs, and cats.

Their heartwarming tale inspires others, reminding us that every pet, regardless of their background, deserves love and a chance at a better life.

In a city known for its diverse pet-loving community, Hamilton and Rufus represent the embodiment of resilience and the power of love.

Their journey from humble beginnings to a life filled with treats and affection is a story that captures the hearts of pet enthusiasts everywhere.

Stay tuned for their heartwarming tales, charming antics, and the joys of being a part of a loving family.

Instagram account analysis

@hamiltonpug Instagram account analysis

General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Travel, Dog’s Fashion

Self intro: “Watermelon & veggie loving teddy living her best life in BK”

Other channels: n/a

Contact details: n/a

Meet Dolce, the watermelon and veggie-loving teddy who’s living her best life in Brooklyn.

Dolce’s self-introduction captures the essence of her charming personality, showcasing her love for fresh and healthy treats.

In the world of pet influencers, Dolce specializes in a range of engaging topics, including pets, dogs, travel, and the latest in dog fashion.

She’s a fashion-forward pup with a taste for adventure, always up for new experiences and exploring the pet-friendly hotspots of Brooklyn.

Dolce’s journey inspires pet lovers, reminding us that pets can lead fulfilling lives filled with love and style.

Her presence in the pet fashion world is a testament to her unique sense of canine couture.

Join Dolce on her adventures as she showcases the joys of life in Brooklyn and the delectable delights she finds along the way.

With a taste for the finer things in life and a passion for travel, Dolce brings a dash of elegance and adventure to the world of pet influencers.

Instagram account analysis

@dolcethedoodette Instagram account analysis

6. @ralphiethecockapoo| Ralphie & Ruby


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Kids, Family, Travel

Self intro: “Cockapoo and Mini Golden Mountain Doodle”

Other channels: n/a

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Ralphie & Ruby, the dynamic duo of a Cockapoo and Mini Golden Mountain Doodle, brings a heartwarming blend of topics to the pet-loving community.

Their content covers a wide range of engaging topics, including pets, dogs, kids, family, and travel. As a part of a family, they embody the harmonious relationship between pets and their human companions, especially children.

Ralphie & Ruby’s adventures take them to various pet-friendly destinations, exploring new horizons with their family.

Their journey serves as a reminder of the bond that can be formed between pets and children, as well as the endless joy that can be shared when families embark on adventures together.

Join Ralphie & Ruby as they share their heartwarming tales, memorable moments, and the importance of cherishing the time spent with family, making them a beloved duo in the world of pet-loving communities.

Instagram account analysis

@ralphiethecockapoo Instagram account analysis

General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Dog’s Training, Veterinary

Self intro: “Dog trainers and behavior experts providing effective digital services worldwide. Specialists in agg”

Other channels: Website | Facebook | YouTube

Contact details: [emailprotected]

At @calmcanineacademy, you’ll find a dedicated team of dog trainers and behavior experts who are passionate about providing effective digital services worldwide.

Their content revolves around a variety of informative topics, including pet, dog, dog training, and veterinary care.

@calmcanineacademy strives to be a valuable resource for pet owners seeking guidance in training their canine companions and addressing behavioral issues, particularly those related to aggression.

With their expertise and commitment to improving dogs’ and owners’ lives, @calmcanineacademy has become a go-to destination for those looking to understand and address their pets’ behavior problems.

They offer valuable insights and solutions that can enhance the bond between dogs and their human families while promoting a calm and positive environment for all.

For those in need of professional guidance in the realm of dog training and behavior, @calmcanineacademy stands as a trusted authority in the digital space, ready to make a positive impact on pets and their owners worldwide

Instagram account analysis

@calmcanineacademy Instagram account analysis

8. @marbellathefrenchie | Marbella the Frenchie


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Kids, Family, Travel

Self intro: “You can call me Marbles. I love my mum”

Other channels: | TikTok

Contact details: n/a

Marbella the Frenchie, or affectionately known as Marbles, is a furry personality with an endearing nature and love for her human companion.

Marbles’ content spans a delightful array of topics, including pets, dogs, kids, family, and travel.

As a cherished member of her family, she showcases the beautiful bond that can exist between pets and their human loved ones, especially children.

Marbles’ adventures take her to various pet-friendly destinations, bringing to life the joy of family trips and the fun that can be had with furry companions.

Her journey serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing the time spent with family and the role that pets play in creating unforgettable memories.

Join Marbella the Frenchie as she shares her heartwarming tales, her love for her family, and the adventures she embarks on, reminding us all of the joys of having a furry friend as a part of the family.

Instagram account analysis

@marbellathefrenchie Instagram account analysis

9. @minniepennyb | Minnie Penny


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Dog’s Fashion, Family

Self intro: “Rescue Dog Turned Fashionista”

Other channels: Website | TikTok

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Minnie Penny, the rescue dog turned fashionista, is a shining example of resilience and style in the world of pet influencers.

Minnie Penny’s content focuses on an array of engaging topics, including pets, dogs, dog’s fashion, and family.

Her love for fashion is evident in the chic and stylish ensembles she showcases, proving that anyone can embrace their inner fashionista.

As a rescue dog, Minnie Penny’s story inspires others, highlighting the incredible transformation that can occur when a pet finds a loving home.

Her presence in the pet fashion world is a testament to her unique sense of canine couture and her ability to empower others to express themselves through style.

Join Minnie Penny as she shares her fashionable tales, embraces her role as a cherished family member, and reminds us all that fashion knows no boundaries, not even in the world of pets.

Instagram account analysis

@minniepennyb Instagram account analysis

10. @mr.monsterpup | Mr. Monster


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Kids, Family, Travel

Self intro: “EntrePUPneur. Terrorizing the world with my cuteness. Old Man Beard.”

Other channels: Facebook | YouTube

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Mr. Monster, the self-proclaimed “EntrePUPneur” with an “Old Man Beard, ” is a charismatic pet influencer making waves in the pet-loving community.

Mr. Monster’s content covers a wide array of topics, including pets, dogs, kids, family, and travel.

He embodies the joys and adventures of being a beloved member of a family, bringing smiles and happiness to those who follow his journey.

As an “EntrePUPneur, ” Mr. Monster’s entrepreneurial spirit is evident in his ability to capture hearts with his irresistible cuteness and appeal.

He embraces his role as a cherished family pet while bringing a sense of adventure to their lives.

Join Mr. Monster as he shares heartwarming tales of his escapades, his love for family, and his adventures around the world.

In the realm of pet influencers, Mr. Monster is a living example of how cuteness and charm can make the world brighter.

Instagram account analysis

@mr.monsterpup Instagram account analysis

11. @tigrrrblaze | Tiger Blaze


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Dog’s Fashion

Self intro: “🐕 fashion & lifestyle influencer l atx”

Other channels: TikTok

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Tiger Blaze is a canine fashion and lifestyle influencer.

His self-introduction beautifully encapsulates his role as a trendsetter in the pet world, where he focuses on dog fashion and lifestyle.

Tiger’s content primarily revolves around pets, dogs, and the latest in dog fashion.

As a charismatic influencer, he showcases the most stylish trends and sets the bar high for pet couture.

In the world of pet influencers, Tiger Blaze represents the epitome of elegance and style, reminding us that pets can be fashionable and trendsetting.

His presence in the pet fashion world is a testament to his unique sense of canine couture.

Join Tiger Blaze as he struts his stuff in the latest canine ensembles, providing inspiration for pet owners who want to keep their four-legged friends stylish and chic. In the realm of pet influencers, Tiger Blaze is the embodiment of fashion-forward flair, proving that even our pets can make a statement in the world of style and fashion.

Instagram account analysis

@tigrrrblaze Instagram account analysis

Pet Nano-Influencers in New York


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Travel

Self intro: “🐕 mini red alaskan klee kai ♂️

🏙️ city dog with a wild soul ⛰️🐺

🍖 trades tricks for treats”

Other channels: n/a

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Alpha, the mini red Alaskan Klee Kai, is a fascinating nano-influencer in the bustling city of New York.

With a self-introduction that showcases his adventurous spirit and love for treats, Alpha is a charismatic pet who has captured the hearts of many.

Alpha’s content primarily focuses on the topics of pets, dogs, and travel. Despite being a city dog, he possesses a wild soul, which he showcases through his engaging tales of adventure and exploration.

His travels take him to various pet-friendly destinations, offering a glimpse into the joys of being a dog in the big city.

In the world of pet nano-influencers, Alpha stands out as a testament to the enduring bond between humans and their furry companions.

His escapades and love for treats serve as a reminder that even in the fast-paced city life, there’s always room for adventure and joy, particularly when you have a four-legged friend by your side.

Instagram account analysis

@littlealpha.bigcity Instagram account analysis

2. @persephone.bunny | Persephone Dalia


General information

Topics: Pet, Bunny, Cat

Self intro: “I’m Percy (Persephone)! I love to flop, eat 🍌 , and…get into trouble! Check out my adventures with my kitty sister Artie (Artemis)!”

Other channels: n/a

Contact details: n/a

Persephone Dalia, lovingly known as Percy or Persephone, is a lovable bunny with a penchant for flopping, savoring delicious bananas, and occasionally getting into a bit of mischief.

Persephone’s content revolves around a charming array of topics, including pets, bunnies, and cats.

Her unique dynamic with her feline companion adds an endearing twist to her adventures, showcasing the beautiful bond that can exist between different furry friends.

As a bunny influencer, Persephone Dalia’s captivating escapades invite exploring the joys of pet companionship beyond traditional norms.

Her journey, marked by flops, banana delights, and the occasional mischief, serves as a reminder of the unique charm that pets bring into our lives, particularly when they forge unexpected friendships.

Join Percy as she hops through life’s delightful moments with her feline sister, spreading joy and smiles along the way.

Instagram account analysis

@persephone.bunny Instagram account analysis

3. @drstephanieaustin | Stephanie Austin


General information

Topics: Pet, Veterinary, Dog, Cat

Self intro: “🐶I talk to animals


🐾Educator, Mentor👩🏻‍⚕️

🦄Always adventuring✌🏻”

Other channels:

Contact details: n/a

Stephanie Austin is a multi-talented pet influencer known for her ability to “talk to animals”.

As a “Koalified” Dogtor hailing from Australia, Stephanie brings a unique perspective to the world of pets, combining her love for animals with her educational and mentoring roles.

Her content covers a wide array of topics, including pets, veterinary care, dogs, and cats.

As an educator and mentor, she provides valuable insights and guidance for pet enthusiasts and aspiring animal communicators.

Stephanie’s adventurous spirit is evident through her frequent explorations and expeditions.

Her zest for life and her connection with animals allows her to create a special bond with the creatures she encounters during her adventures.

In the realm of pet influencers, Stephanie Austin stands as a charismatic figure, bridging the gap between humans and their animal companions.

Her role as an educator and her ability to communicate with animals make her a sought-after source of wisdom in the pet-loving community, reminding us that the language of love is universal.

Instagram account analysis

@drstephanieaustin Instagram account analysis

4. @stefantheyorkie | Stefan


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Dog’s Fashion

Self intro: “NYC Dog Model”

Other channels: Twitter | TikTok

Contact details: n/a

Stefan is a charismatic pet influencer making waves in the world of dog fashion. His self-introduction reflects his glamorous and stylish persona, perfectly embodying the spirit of a dog model.

Stefan’s content primarily focuses on pets, dogs, and the latest in dog fashion.

As a canine fashionista, he showcases the hottest trends and sets the bar high for pet couture, proving that New York is not just a fashion hub for humans but also for their furry companions.

In the world of pet influencers, Stefan is a symbol of elegance and style, reminding us that pets can be fashion-forward and trendsetting.

His presence in the pet fashion world is a testament to his unique sense of canine couture.

Join Stefan as he struts his stuff in the latest canine ensembles, providing inspiration for pet owners who want to keep their four-legged friends stylish and chic.

In the realm of pet influencers, Stefan is the embodiment of fashion-forward flair, proving that even our pets can make a statement in the world’s fashion capital.

Instagram account analysis

@stefantheyorkie Instagram account analysis

5. @dogfriendlyliving_ | Jackeline Franco


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Lifestyle, Veterinary

Self intro: “✨ Creating + living happy & healthy lives with dogs 🐶

💩 Sharing all the tips + tricks 🤩”

Other channels: Website | Facebook | YouTube

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Jackeline Franco is a pet influencer with a mission to create and live happy and healthy lives with dogs.

Her Instagram profile embodies her dedication to promoting wellness and happiness in the pet world.

Jackeline’s content primarily focuses on pets, dogs, lifestyle, and veterinary care.

She is a valuable source of information, sharing tips and tricks to help pet owners provide the best care and quality of life for their canine companions.

In the world of pet influencers, Jackeline Franco stands out as an advocate for the well-being of dogs, emphasizing the importance of happiness, health, and the joy that our furry friends bring into our lives.

Her content is a valuable resource for those looking to enhance their pet’s lifestyle and ensure their overall wellness.

Join Jackeline as she shares her insights, tips, and tricks to create a happy and healthy life with dogs.

In the realm of pet influencers, she’s a trusted guide for pet owners looking to make the most of their journey with their four-legged family members.

Instagram account analysis

@dogfriendlyliving_ Instagram account analysis

6. @nycstreetdogs | Carmen Gonzalez


General information

Topics: Pet, Dog, Dog’s Fashion

Self intro: “Carmen Gonzalez is NYC premier pet photographer. As seen on 📺 CBS NY”

Other channels: Website

Contact details: n/a

Carmen Gonzalez, a renowned pet photographer and the premier pet photography expert in New York City, is a celebrated figure in the pet world.

Carmen’s content predominantly focuses on pets, dogs, and the latest trends in dog fashion.

As a photographer, she has a unique talent for capturing the beauty and personalities of pets, showcasing them in their finest attire and moments.

In the world of pet influencers, Carmen Gonzalez stands as a testament to the art of capturing the essence of pets through the lens.

Her presence in the pet fashion world is a reminder that pets can be the stars of their own fashion shoots.

Carmen’s work resonates with pet owners who want to immortalize the memories and personalities of their beloved furry friends.

Her talents as a premier pet photographer make her a go-to source for those seeking to celebrate their pets’ beauty and uniqueness.

Instagram account analysis

@nycstreetdogs Instagram account analysis

7. @cityturtles | Squishy & Honey the Turtles


General information

Topics: Pet, Turtle

Self intro: “Adventures of a red-eared slider & yellow-bellied”

Other channels: | Website | Pinterest | Facebook

Contact details: [emailprotected]

Squishy & Honey, the red-eared slider and yellow-bellied turtles, take us on unique aquatic adventures in the world of pet influencers.

The content of Squishy & Honey primarily revolves around pet turtles, offering a glimpse into the lives of these underwater explorers.

Their charming tales and aquatic adventures serve as a reminder of the diverse world of pets, showcasing that even turtles can bring joy and intrigue to the lives of pet enthusiasts.

In the realm of pet influencers, Squishy & Honey brings a fresh perspective to the pet world.

Their underwater world is a testament to the diversity of pets and the unique charm that each animal brings to our lives.

Join them as they dive into new aquatic escapades, reminding us that the beauty of pets can be found in the most unexpected places.

Instagram account analysis

@cityturtles Instagram account analysis

8. @new_york_cat_lover | Kins Winslet


General information

Topics: Pet, Cat

Self intro: “🐱Cat community 🐱”

Other channels: n/a

Contact details: n/a

Kins Winslet is a beloved member of the cat community, and her self-introduction beautifully encapsulates her role as a feline influencer.

Her content primarily revolves around cats and the unique world they inhabit.

In the world of pet influencers, Kins Winslet is a beloved figure who brings together cat enthusiasts and provides a platform for cat lovers to share their passion and connect with like-minded individuals.

Her presence serves as a reminder of the diverse and loving community that surrounds these enigmatic and independent pets.

Join Kins Winslet in celebrating the world of feline companions as she shares stories, photos, and experiences that highlight the joys of being a cat lover.

In the realm of pet influencers, Kins Winslet reminds us that our feline friends are a vital part of our lives and that the cat community is a vibrant and supportive place for cat enthusiasts.

Instagram account analysis

@new_york_cat_lover Instagram account analysis

General information

Topics: Pet, Cat

Self intro: “Retired NYC Kitty Foster Momma”

Other channels: n/a

Contact details: n/a

@tinytigersnyc, the account of a retired NYC Kitty Foster Momma, is a heartwarming tribute to the world of feline foster care.

The content shared on this account primarily revolves around pets and cats, highlighting the joys and challenges of fostering feline companions.

As a retired foster mom, she provides a glimpse into the world of nurturing, rehabilitating, and ultimately finding forever homes for these tiny tigers.

In the realm of pet influencers, @tinytigersnyc stands as a shining example of compassion and love for cats in need.

Her presence in the pet community is a testament to the incredible work of fostering and rescuing cats, as well as the joy that comes from giving these felines a second chance at life.

Join @tinytigersnyc in celebrating the heartwarming journey of feline foster care as she shares her stories and experiences, reminding us all of the importance of kindness and compassion for our feline friends.

Instagram account analysis

@tinytigersnyc instagram analysis

Final Thoughts

As we finish looking at New York’s top pet influencers, it’s clear that these pets are more than just popular online—they show us how much happiness animals can bring into our lives.

Each one, with their fantastic personalities and touching stories, offers us the strong connection we have with our pets.

They don’t just fill our social media with fun and cuteness; they create groups of friends, help important causes, and can even make us want to be great pet owners and animal friends.

From the stylish dogs of Manhattan to the bold cats of Brooklyn, these pet influencers have won over not just New Yorkers but people all over the world.

They show that any pet, no matter what kind, can touch our hearts and carve out their little spot on the internet.

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