Product Sampling Agency

An influencer-centred product sampling campaign

Get your products in the hands of influencers, followed by all your actual customers and potential customers. All the most prominent brands are already doing it. It’s time to jump on the train.

Get valuable feedback from thought leaders.

Product sampling using influencers on social media is a creative way of getting customer reviews and insights. Influencers know their market and create genuine reviews of products they like, and learn how to appreciate. Get actionable insight reports for your brand.

Social proof your products with experts in your niche

Social proofing is one of the most underappreciated yet most important marketing channels. Get loyal customers and experts in your niche to review your products and give you a five-star rating. Potential customers are browsing online reviews when shopping, and they want to read reviews from real people.

Better ROI and conversion rates

Seeing online opinion leaders using your products has an impact on sales. Get started now! Thanks to product sampling, meet your business goals through a better conversion rate.

Hundreds of visuals for your marketing campaigns

Our in-house solution will help you get rid of any content drought you might have been facing at some point. Get hundreds of creators to post creative content with your product. Streamline cost-effective marketing efforts through influencer-generated content and experiential marketing at the heart of your marketing strategy.

Increase awareness for your target audience

With inBeat’s product sampling solutions, get hundreds of thousands of impressions with a simple product-based collaboration. This play is the best way to create a cost-effective awareness strategy on social media.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can product sampling benefit brands?

Product sampling helps build trust between brands and customers, thus increasing customer loyalty. One of the most significant advantages of product sampling is the genuine reviews generated online.

    How does product sampling work?

    A product sampling program gives your business a competitive advantage through multiple features. To start a product sampling campaign using influencers, book a free strategy call with one of our experts.

    How effective is product trial on social media?

    If you go through the customer journey, almost every potential customer browses on social media before deciding. Social media is at the center of the purchase decision. It can be YouTube reviews, Instagram posts or TikTok videos, based on your target market’s online behaviour.

    What’s the cost of product sampling?

     The cost can vary depending on your product’s cost of production and the type of influencer you want to collaborate with. Every product sample has its own cost, and collaboration prices vary based on influencers’ engagement rate and following count.

    Let’s make something cool.

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