How to Write Viral UGC Scripts? A Complete Guide

Ioana Cozma
May 21, 2024
March 25, 2024

The rule is simple: a piece of content goes viral when many people watch it. However, ensuring that people will watch the content is tough.

The struggle is real – in a world flooded with content, making your user-generated content (UGC) script go viral seems like chasing a digital unicorn.

With the attention spans dwindling, the UGC script must be concise, engaging, and instantly compelling to stand out.

Adapting to the fast pace of digital consumption requires a strategic approach to content creation, ensuring that the UGC script not only captures attention but also prompts immediate sharing and participation.

But you are in the right place. In this piece, we will give you the ultimate guide to writing UGC scripts that captivate your audience and swiftly go viral.


  • UGC Script Essentials: User-generated content (UGC) scripts are pivotal for creating engaging narratives that prompt viewer interaction and sharing. They should be concise, engaging, and compelling.
  • Importance of UGC Scripts: They humanize the brand, enhance engagement through authenticity, and encourage active participation with a clear call-to-action, leading to increased sharing and reach.
  • Effective UGC Script Writing: Focus on good storytelling, staying informed with trends, identifying the emotional core, crafting relatable scenarios, and ensuring a clear message. Inviting audience participation is key.
  • Direct Response (DR) Formula: Follow the Hook → Problem → Solution → Value Prop → Social Proof → CTA structure to write converting UGC scripts that captivate and prompt action.
  • Creating Hooks: Use auditory, visual, or word hooks to grab attention within the first 2-3 seconds, ensuring engagement and preventing scroll-past.
  • Problem/Solution Approach: Clearly present a problem your audience can relate to, followed by introducing your product or service as the solution.
  • Highlighting Value Propositions: Focus on the unique benefits or features of the product to stand out among competitors.
  • Incorporating Social Proof: Use case studies, reviews, endorsements, and other forms of social proof to build credibility and trust.
  • Effective CTAs: Craft compelling calls to action that create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate response.
  • UGC Script Strategy: Combining art with strategy, including emotional connection, engagement tactics, and the direct response formula, can make UGC scripts go viral.

Finding UGC Creators: Platforms like Showcase can connect brands with creators for effective UGC collaboration.

What Is a UGC Script?

User-generated content (UGC) scripts are the core of captivating narratives crafted by content creators and embraced by audiences. In essence, UGC scripts are storylines, dialogues, or prompts designed to elicit creative responses from users.

Whether the creator is receiving free products or getting paid, the UGC script is important for brands and influencers to get on the same page. Depending on the contract, the brand can provide a written script or ask the influencer to develop their own.

The UGC script outlines the content’s communication plan, including the spoken content (what will be said), delivery style (how it will be said), as well as visual and auditory signals. The goal is to make UGC content creation efficient and fast.

Pro tip: Rehearsing the UGC script a few times before shooting the content saves significant time.

Basically, a UGC script is your plan for making an ad that doesn’t sound like an ad. It’s all about making it feel like you’re just sharing a real recommendation or story with your friends, not pushing a product.

Why Are UGC Scripts Important?

User-generated content (UGC) scripts play a significant role in digital storytelling for several reasons.

  1. A relatable and authentic UGC script humanizes your brand, fostering a deeper connection with your audience. This authenticity builds trust and loyalty over time.
  2. UGC scripts enhance engagement by encouraging active participation. When users feel their voices are heard, they become invested in the content, resulting in increased sharing and interaction.
  3. Incorporating a clear and compelling call-to-action within UGC scripts significantly boosts engagement. Encouraging users to share their stories, opinions, or experiences related to the script creates a two-way interaction. As a result, your content gets free engagement and shares, meaning it reaches more and more people.

Well-crafted UGC content has done wonders for global brands.

The Nordstrom X Wildfang Social Media Campaign offers a great example.

Nordstrom collaborated with the rapidly expanding direct-to-consumer brand Wildfang to introduce a clothing line catering to non-binary individuals on their online platform.

The challenge was gaining visibility, so our sister-agency inBeat formulated an inclusive influencer marketing strategy that guaranteed equal representation for all.


The goal was to synchronize the release of a collection with the participation of more than 100 influencers.

This campaign quickly went viral: the 160 content assets led to 4.1 million impressions, so th product release was a resounding success.

How to Write an Effective UGC Script?

To write an effective UGC script, use good storytelling. In other words, how you say it matters as much as what you say. After all, your goal is to grab the viewer’s attention, make them stay for the content, and lead them into action – purchasing.

What Do You Say? – The Content Pillars of a UGC Script

  • Stay Informed: Before starting to outline your script, ensure your content is aligned with what is going on at the time. Keep a close eye on current trends and challenges in your niche or on social media platforms. Follow relevant accounts, subscribe to newsletters, and use trending hashtags to stay in the loop.

You should check out this blog post on Influencer Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024 to get ahead.

  • Identify the Emotional Core: Define the core emotion you want your UGC script to evoke. Understanding the emotional tone sets the foundation for a compelling narrative, whether it’s joy, nostalgia, empathy, or excitement. Remember to pick creators who can align their content’s core emotion with your product or service.
  • Build a Relatable Scenario: Craft a relatable scenario that resonates with your audience’s experiences or aspirations. The more relatable your story, the stronger its emotional connection will be. Do not let the word “scenario” intimidate you. A UGC scenario can be anywhere from telling a personal story to listing the benefits of a certain product.
  • Know Your Core Message: Clearly define your UGC script’s main message or theme. Knowing your core message will help you craft a hook that aligns with the essence of your content. If you collaborate with a brand, ask them for a brief that includes their preferred message.
  • Set the Stage for Interaction: Begin your UGC script by explicitly inviting your audience to participate. Use inclusive language that encourages viewers to share their thoughts, experiences, or creations related to the content. Open-ended questions, polls, and surveys are useful tools for getting immediate reactions from the viewer.

Case Study Break: Showcase’s Bumble Campaign

Bumble’s unconventional campaign is a prime example of creating authentic content while maintaining interest. This dating app partnered with our creators, who showcased their first dates with other Bumble users. The result was a massive decrease in CPAs and skyrocketing installs.

What is the Direct Response (DR) Formula?

The Direct Response or DR formula works exactly like a real doctor. It finds the problem (diagnosis) and addresses it with a certain product or service (prescription).

It can be followed in any type of high-performing ad, from traditional TV commercials to digital marketing. Basically, the direct response formula gives you a roadmap to write an ad script (UGC script in this instance) that converts.

A simple DR formula goes like this:

Hook→ Problem→Solution→Value Prop→Social Proof→ CTA

1. Hook

A hook is what your viewers see first. In other words, it is your video’s first 2-3 seconds. Based on this hook’s ability to capture attention, your viewers decide to stay or scroll. A thumb-stopping hook breaks the scroll, captivates the attention, and leads the viewer to watch the rest of the content.

Insider story:

At Showcase, we test hooks massively. We know they’re the best way to keep viewers engaged, especially on platforms like TikTok, where ad fatigue quickly sets in.

That’s why, for brands like the travel app Hopper, we had our creators send three UGC scripts, each with their own hooks. This strategy massively reduced CPAs and ad fatigue, leading to more downloads and in-app purchases.

Like so:

Hooks can be auditory, word, or visual.

1.1. Auditory Hook

An auditory hook uses the power of sound to intrigue viewers. It could be a sound effect such as claps or snaps, the creator’s voice in different tones, or trending songs.

Pro tip: Keep in mind that there are different rules for different social media platforms.

TikTok and Snapchat primarily rely on audio engagement, but on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, many users prefer watching content with the sound turned off. Incorporating closed captions into your content is a safe option, ensuring viewers can engage with it regardless of their sound preferences.

If you want to learn more, learn the ins and outs of creating UGC on TikTok here.

1.2. Visual Hook

Ever wonder why some things stand out, even amid chaos? That’s the magic of a visual hook in play. It’s like spotting a lone sunflower in a field of green or discovering a vibrant mural on an otherwise blank canvas.

Options for a visual hook are endless since you can use any image or movement. Smooth transitions, emojis, graphics, and real-life actions could create scroll-stopping hooks.

Pro tip: Use TikTok’s green screen feature to insert any visual hook. This way, you can amplify the effect of another visual, auditory, or word hook.

1.3. Word Hook

The key element of your content is the word hook, serving as the captivating introduction—whether it’s an enticing opening line, an irresistible piece of information, or a compelling fact that immediately captures someone’s interest.

Thought-provoking questions, bold statements, or trending internet slang could create a strong word hook that makes the viewer stop and contemplate.

Here’s a list of UGC hooks to create a UGC script that converts:

“Stop doing [insert what customer is doing wrong], and switch to this instead! 🔥 Discover the change with [insert product].”

“Struggling with [insert customer problem]? 🤔 Meet [insert product] – your solution to a smoother journey. 🚀”

“Say hello to the perfect [insert product niche]! 🌟 It exists now, and it’s a game-changer. Find out more at [brand website]!”

“Wish I discovered this sooner! 😱 Say goodbye to [insert old solution] and hello to [insert product]!”

“Save tons of money/time with this [insert product]! 💰⏰ Check it out at [brand website]!”

“Not to be dramatic, but my life changed with [insert product]! 💁‍♀️ Find out how it can change yours too.”

“Consider this your sign to try [insert product]! 🚀 Your journey to a better [insert customer situation] starts now.”

“3 reasons why [insert product] is a must-have! 🌈 Discover the magic now at [brand website]!”

“Who else hates [insert customer problem] SO MUCH? 😤 Discover the solution with [insert product].”

“Unbox THE BEST [insert product] I’ve ever used! 📦✨ Join me in discovering the magic at [brand website]!”

“Need affordable [insert product niche]? Keep watching for a budget-friendly solution! 💸 #AffordableFinds”

“Put a finger down if [insert customer problem] is your struggle too! 🙋‍♀️ Let’s find a solution together.”

“Ready for my biggest secret reveal! 🤫 Stay tuned for the big reveal. #SecretSharing”

“Attention if you have [insert customer problem]! 📢 Let’s talk about the game-changing [insert product].”

“Life hack alert: Try [insert product] if [insert customer problem] is your concern! Keep watching for the scoop.”

“Unlock THE SECRET to [insert customer desire]! 🤫 Ready to elevate your life with [insert product]? Check it out!”

“Why is nobody talking about [insert topic]? 🤔 Join the conversation and let’s discuss together!”

“Hurry, these are flying off the shelves! Snag yours now at [brand website]!”

“No more gatekeeping! 🚫 Sharing my transformative journey from this… to this… 🌟 #TransformationTuesday”

2. Problem / Solution

Similar to how demand drives supply, a problem prompts a solution.

In your UGC content, you are presenting that very solution tailored to those experiencing that problem.

Pro tip: Clearly state the problem the viewer may be experiencing. The importance of relatability plays a significant role at this point.

When your UGC resonates authentically with the audience, the problem becomes a shared concern. Then, immediately introduce the product or service you are promoting as the solution to this collective issue.

For instance, if you’re creating content for a fitness brand like FitFlex, a common concern among potential viewers could be the struggle to find versatile and effective workout equipment. FitFlex’s range of adaptable and space-efficient fitness gear provides a solution, making home workouts more accessible and convenient for users.

3. Value Prop

In today’s world, the solutions to a single problem are plenty. Naturally, the product you feature in your User-Generated Content (UGC) may also be offered by various brands in comparable or distinct ways.

A specific product’s Value Props (similar to unique selling points) are essentially the standout features that make it unique and preferable. When crafting a UGC script, consider why a customer should choose your brand’s product over others. Highlight the distinct features that set it apart, and express these clearly in your content. Avoid overwhelming your audience with too many features; instead, focus on one or two that genuinely make a difference.

4. Social Proof

Concrete evidence of a product’s success is a strong incentive for potential customers to establish trust and purchase. This tangible proof increases the brand’s credibility because it assures the audience that the product has been tested and proven effective—keeping the brand’s promises.

When crafting your User-Generated Content (UGC), incorporate these elements to showcase the product’s real-world success. This integration supports the idea that the product is not just a claim but a proven solution.

Various forms of social proof include:

  • Case studies
  • Awards
  • 5-Star customer reviews
  • Publication features
  • Celebrity endorsements
  • Certifications

Case Study Break – Social Proof as Main Feed Content

Prose, a brand focusing on clean skincare and haircare, effectively boosts their advertising budget by leveraging User-Generated Content (UGC) regularly.

Prose specializes in formulating personalized haircare and skincare items. Customers looking for customized haircare complete an online survey on the Prose website to identify their specific hair types and needs. Subsequently, they receive a personalized set with product labels explaining each item’s purpose.

The brand’s social media presence heavily relies on social proof, featuring UGC from diverse creators showcasing various hair types. In these videos, creators demonstrate how to take the online survey, utilizing the green screen effect or their laptop. They showcase the Prose box, the bottles, the hair-washing process, and the application of after-shower products. Finally, they reveal their stunning hair after completing all the steps.

By consistently featuring such case studies and customer reviews on their social media platforms, Prose generates impactful weekly content and powers their media-buying budget.

See how Prose uses the UGC as social proof here.

5. CTA (Call to Action)

A Call to Action (CTA) statement marks the moment in your UGC where the viewer transitions from passive engagement to potential purchase. An effective CTA is brief, direct, and prompts viewers to take action, whether it’s making a purchase or signing up.

The placement and wording of your CTA play an important role in this process, acting as the bridge guiding traffic from a social platform to the brand’s website.

Pro tip: When formulating your CTA, emphasize a sense of urgency, urging viewers to shop now rather than later.

Ultimately, the primary objective of UGC content is to drive conversions and generate sales. If viewers perceive an immediate need to purchase the product to address a specific problem, they are likelier to click “buy” without hesitation.

Below, you can find a few examples of CTAs that achieved a 3X reduction in CAC for Genomelink:

  • “So what are you waiting for? Try Genomelink NOW!”
  • “So if you have done an Ancestry DNA test in the past and you are looking for more answers, upload your raw data to Genomelink for free today!”
  • “If you’ve done any genetic testing, sign up today!”
  • “Learning about the deep traits of my ancestors has been super eye-opening, I highly recommend you guys try it out NOW with Genomelink!”

These CTAs work well because they not only express a sense of urgency using the words “now” and “today, ” but also provide a sense of relatability for those who have previously undergone an ancestry test.

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So, a Viral UGC Script Is Not Miles Away…

Writing a UGC script that captivates and converts may seem challenging, but armed with the right approach, it becomes an opportunity. UGC scripts are the key to humanizing your brand, building trust, and forming lasting connections. Understanding the emotional core, setting the stage for interaction, and applying the DR formula guide you to craft authentic and engaging content. Branded content can be simultaneously authentic and direct response driven with the right approach towards UGC scripting.

In essence, writing viral UGC scripts is an art and strategy blend. With hooks, problem-solving, value propositions, social proof, and a compelling CTA, your UGC content can stand out in a sea of digital content. So, apply these insights, captivate your audience, and make a lasting impression.

Struggling to find the right UGC creators to collaborate with?

Join Showcase to find your brand’s perfect match!

Keywords: user generated content, viral ugc, ugc script example, ugc script, what is a ugc script, how to write a ugc script,

Meta Description: Write viral User-Generated Content (UGC) scripts with our ultimate guide. Learn storytelling, emotional core, and the Direct Response formula.Join Showcase for brand collaborations and paid UGC opportunities.

Want more examples of successful influencer marketing campaigns? Check out case studies of our influencer marketing agency in Toronto!

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