Instagram Ad Optimization Tips to Implement in 2024 (Agency's Insider Info)

Ioana Cozma
June 19, 2024
May 28, 2024

Did you know that 60% of Instagram users discover new products or services on the platform?

That's a massive potential customer base a business could be tapping into.

But if Instagram's ads aren't optimized, all your efforts might get lost in the scroll. 

Wondering how to optimize Instagram ads? Well, don’t worry! In this guide, we'll share powerful tips and tricks to help businesses take their Instagram ad strategy to the next level. 

The blog post will highlight: 

  • Introduction to Instagram ads and their types 
  • Benefits of optimizing the ads 
  • Proven optimization tips 
  • Real-life examples of Instagram ad optimization 
P.S.: Looking to enhance your brand’s reach and conversion rates on Instagram? Our Instagram marketing agency can help! We generate results and measure everything so you can see the real impact of your campaign. 


  • Potential Reach: 60% of Instagram users find new products on the platform, presenting a significant opportunity for businesses.
  • Ad Types: Various formats like photo, video, carousel, Stories, Reels, shopping, and collection ads cater to different marketing needs.
  • Optimization Benefits: Enhances engagement, targeting accuracy, conversion rates, brand awareness, and cost-efficiency, ultimately boosting ROI.
  • Optimization Techniques: Define target audience, structure marketing funnels, use third-party tools, and explore alternative bidding strategies.
  • Creative Strategies: Incorporate quick-cut scenes in Reel ads, use A/B testing for ad elements, and collaborate with micro-influencers for higher engagement.
  • Competitive Analysis: Utilize tools like the Facebook Ad Library to analyze and adapt competitor strategies.
  • Hashtag Usage: Implement a mix of popular and niche hashtags to maximize reach and engagement.
  • Ad Copy Frameworks: Employ structures like AIDA, PAS, and FAB to craft compelling messages that drive action.
  • Real-Life Success: Brands like Hurom and Soylent have seen significant improvements in performance metrics through targeted influencer partnerships and content optimization.

Instagram Ads - A Brief Overview

Instagram ads are paid content that appears on Instagram and are designed to reach a specific audience beyond a profile’s followers.

These ads can appear in a user’s feed, Stories, Explore pages, and so forth. 

Instagram Ads are often marked with a “Sponsored” label and can include a call-to-action button to encourage people to take specific actions like visiting a website or purchasing a product.

For example, the rapidly growing handbag brand Dagne Dover used Instagram ads with strong imagery.

They paired these ads with "Shop Now" CTA, which doubled traffic and increased return on ad spend by 13 times in two months.

Instagram ads

Types of Instagram Ads 

Some common types of Instagram ads are: 

  • Photo ads: These are simple yet effective ads that use a static image to capture the audience's attention. For instance, a luxury beauty company might put up a high-resolution photo of its latest product to promote its new collection.
    • Side note: We’ve been doing that for beauty brand Native for 5 collections and counting. 
  • Video ads: Video ads last up to 60 seconds and offer a more detailed look at a product or service. They’re highly effective, as 74% of users either visit a website or purchase the product after viewing a brand’s video. 
  • Carousel ads: This format allows brands to showcase multiple images or videos in one ad, with each swipe revealing new content. A travel agency, for example, might use a carousel ad to display stunning images from a multi-city tour package.
  • Stories ads: These full-screen ads appear between user Stories. According to stats, 67% of respondents reported engaging with branded Stories by using the "swipe up" feature to access links. 
  • Reels ads: They appear between Instagram Reels and are designed to blend in with the format's quick, entertaining style. A cosmetics brand may use this type to show quick clips of influencers creating looks using their latest makeup line.
  • Shopping ads: These ads facilitate direct purchases through Instagram to make shopping seamless. An apparel brand could use shopping ads to feature a popular dress so users can tap the ad and buy the outfit directly within the app.
  • Collection ads: Such ads combine elements of video or images with the opportunity to purchase. It’s similar to creating a mini-catalogue on Instagram. A tech retailer can use collection ads to showcase a new line of smartphones, with each phone linked directly to their purchase page.
Types of Instagram ads

Benefits of Optimizing Instagram Ads 

Optimizing Instagram ads can greatly enhance the performance and ROI of your campaigns. Some of the key benefits are:

  • Increased engagement: Optimizing Instagram ads can boost user engagement, such as likes, shares, and comments. Tailoring content to resonate with the target audience's interests ensures more interaction.
  • Improved targeting: It also allows businesses to tap into specific demographics based on age, location, behavior, and interests. This precision ensures that ads reach users who are most interested in the product or service. 
  • Higher conversion rates: With optimized Instagram ads, businesses can experience higher conversion rates, ranging between 1% to 3%. This is because the compelling CTAs and attractive visuals prompt viewers to take desired actions. 
  • Enhanced brand awareness: Instagram ads significantly impact brand perception, with 50% of users showing increased interest after viewing ads. This suggests that businesses can enhance visibility by consistently targeting the right audience with well-crafted ads. 
  • Cost-efficiency: Instagram ads can be cost-effective, particularly when they are well-optimized. Through this approach, brands can achieve more with their advertising budget and reduce wasted spend on uninterested viewers.
  • Better ROI: A direct outcome of increased engagement, improved targeting, and higher conversion rates is a better ROI. HubSpot's 2023 Social Media Trends Report identifies Instagram as the top-performing platform for marketers in terms of this metric.
  • Advanced analytics: With ad optimization, brands can access detailed analytics that help them track the performance of their campaigns. This data includes impressions, reach, engagement rates, and more. Such insights allow for continual improvement of ad strategies based on solid performance feedback.

When to Optimize Your Instagram Ads Performance

Understanding the right time to optimize your Instagram ads is crucial for maximizing their effectiveness and achieving your marketing goals. 

Some key scenarios where optimization is necessary are:

  • High engagement but low conversions: If your ads receive a lot of likes, shares, and comments but few conversions, it’s time to tweak your approach. This discrepancy suggests that while your content is engaging, it may not be compelling enough to drive users to take the desired action.
  • Flat ROAS: If your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is stagnating or declining, it indicates that your current ad campaigns are not yielding the expected returns. This calls for modifications in your targeting, creative elements, or bidding strategy.
  • Increasing CPA: When the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) rises without corresponding improvements in performance, it’s essential to revise your marketing strategy. This situation suggests inefficiencies in how you’re reaching and converting your audience.
  • A discrepancy in metrics: Significant gaps between impressions and click-through rates (CTR) can signal that your ads are not resonating with viewers. Reassessing your ad creatives and messaging can help align these metrics and improve overall performance.

10 Top Ways to Optimize Instagram Ads Effectively 

Optimizing Instagram ads involves a combination of strategic planning, creative execution, and continuous refinement to achieve the best results. 

Let’s explore the ten top ways to do it effectively:

1. Define Your Target Audience 

It’s fundamental to understand your target audience when you want to create effective Instagram ads.

As a result, you can tailor your advertising efforts to engage and convert more customers efficiently. 

Moreover, it helps enhance your retargeting campaigns’ effectiveness.

Insider Tip: That’s important because these retargeting campaigns can likely retain 70% of users

Let’s discuss how to define the target audience: 

  • Use Instagram Insights: We use this tool to gain valuable insights into our clients’ existing followers' demographics, interests, and behavior to identify common characteristics. This allows us to identify patterns and streamline their content strategy and posting schedule.
  • Segmentation: Breaking down broader audiences into smaller, more specific groups based on factors like age, location, or interests creates custom audiences. We do this, too. This way, businesses can send tailored messages to each segment that resonate with them more deeply. 
  • Engage with user-generated content: We also advise you to monitor the type of content that your brand’s potential customers are interacting with and producing to better understand their preferences and needs.

Pro Tip: At inBeat, we leverage the power of Lookalike Audiences to target new users who share similar characteristics with our best existing customers.

This strategy allows us to expand our reach efficiently and connects us with high-value audiences.

Instagram insights

2. Structure a Marketing Funnel With Reels 

Another cornerstone of our Instagram strategies is creating marketing funnels with reels.

This is an awesome tool to guide potential customers through different stages of engagement, from initial awareness to the final action. 

Here’s how we implement this strategy, and feel free to copy the same plan: 

  • Highlight unique features with quick demos: Start the funnel by using Instagram Reels Ads to demonstrate the unique features of your product or service. Quick, eye-catching demos can help pique interest and draw viewers in.
  • Educate with how-to videos: As viewers move down the funnel, provide value through educational content. How-to videos or tutorials related to the product or service can help move potential customers from mere interest to serious consideration.
  • Offer exclusive deals or announcements: Offer special promotions or announce new products using Reels. Such exclusive deals can create urgency and convert viewers into customers.

Here’s an awesome example for top of the funnel Reels content from an online female fitness brand:


Pro Tip: We recommend integrating such videos across different platforms to amplify their impact.

For instance, after creating a Reel, consider embedding it in targeted email campaigns or sharing it on other social media platforms. 

3. Incorporate a Variety of Quick-Cut Scenes in Reel Ads

Adding quick-cut scenes in Instagram Reel ads is a highly effective technique to maintain viewer interest.

This dynamic editing style mimics the fast-paced browsing habits of social media users, especially Gen-zs, with an attention span of just 8 seconds

Let’s have a look at some relevant strategies: 

  • Showcase multiple features quickly: Use quick-cuts to showcase different features or use-cases of your product. This can be particularly effective for items with multiple functions or configurations.
  • Use high-impact visuals: Select visually compelling content that stands out. It’s a great idea to use high-contrast, bright colors, and interesting movements or transformations to retain attention. 
  • Tell a story in segments: Break down your story into multiple quick scenes that together form a coherent narrative. This method keeps the viewers engaged as they try to follow along and see how the story unfolds.

Pro Tip: At inBeat, we use creative transitions that keep the viewer’s eyes glued to the screen.

For example, those like match cuts or innovative graphic overlays can help maintain the flow of the video while changing scenes. 

Instagram reels

4. Use Relevant Third-Party Tools 

Third-party tools offer advanced analytics, automated optimization features, and creative aids that surpass the basic functionalities provided by Instagram itself for streamlining ads.

Let’s have a look at some of the tools our own teams are using:

  • Canva: Canva is a graphic design platform that offers a variety of ready-made templates specifically tailored for Instagram ads. This makes it easy for users to create professional-looking visuals without needing extensive skills.
  • Socialbakers: It provides a suite of marketing tools that include analytics, audience insights, and content optimization specifically tailored for platforms like Instagram. Through these functions, marketers can optimize their ad content for higher engagement. 
  • Revealbot: Revealbot offers automated ad strategies using advanced rule-based automation for Instagram ads. It allows marketers to automate the adjustment of ad bids, budgets. They can even pause ads based on performance criteria. 

Pro Tip: At inBeat, we use third-party tools that seamlessly integrate with other platforms, such as CRM, email marketing service, or customer data platforms.

This allows for a more cohesive data flow and enables leveraging rich, cross-platform insights to refine ad targeting.

Canva Instagram post templates

5. Explore Alternative Bidding Strategies For Ad Campaigns

To maximize ad spend efficiency and improve performance, we try out alternative bidding strategies for Instagram ads.

It works because different bidding strategies align more closely with our clients’ specific campaign goals, whether it’s about increasing reach, engagement, or conversions. 

Let’s see how you too can implement this strategy to streamline your Insta ads:

  • Test automated bidding: Instagram's automated bidding features adjust bids in real-time based on the likelihood of achieving the desired action. This can help you optimize your spending without constant manual adjustments.
  • Experiment with manual bidding: Another useful approach is to try manual bidding to set maximum bid amounts for specific ads or ad sets. This gives you more control over the bid amount, which can be useful for targeting highly competitive segments.
  • Analyze performance data: It’s also essential to regularly review the performance of campaigns with different bidding strategies. You can use this data to identify which strategies yield the best return on investment and scale those methods accordingly.

Pro Tip: inBeat experts use dayparting in their bidding strategy, which includes adjusting bids to increase during hours or days when the brand’s target audience is most active on Instagram.

6. Implement A/B Testing 

A/B testing is a crucial strategy for optimizing Instagram ads.

And we always use it because we can compare different versions of our ads to see which performs better. This systematic approach helps us refine ad elements based on empirical evidence over and over to maximize our clients’ budgets. 

Some A/B testing tips are discussed as follows: 

  • Use inBeat ad mockup generator: The inBeat Instagram ad mockup generator helps you create different versions of ads with varied visuals and text for A/B testing quickly. That means you can test multiple creative concepts quite efficiently.
  • Vary ad creative elements: You can also implement tests that alter one creative element at a time, such as the image, video, or headline. It helps isolate which changes have the most significant effect on viewer engagement and conversion rates.
  • Test different CTAs: We also recommend to experiment with different CTAs to see which prompts the highest engagement or conversion rate. This could involve changing the language, placement, or design of the CTA button.

Pro Tip: At inBeat, our team schedules tests specific to the audience during peak engagement times to obtain accurate data. This period can be identified through Instagram Insights or third-party analytics tools. 

7. Organize a Partnership Ad With a Niche Micro-Influencer

It's reported that micro-influencers can achieve engagement rates of around 3.86%.

Furthermore, a study highlights that 87% of participants have bought products after an influencer recommended them.

Thus, partnering with them can be incredibly effective in reaching highly engaged audiences.

Let’s explore some relevant strategies:

  • Identify relevant influencers: Set a free strategy call with inBeat Agency to find content creators who can create ads that align with your brand's niche and values. inBeat specializes in connecting brands with hyper-targeted micro-influencers at highly affordable rates. 
  • Define clear campaign goals: Before reaching out to influencers, clearly define what you hope to achieve with the partnership, such as increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or launching a new product. This helps ensure that both parties understand and work towards the same objectives.
  • Monitor and measure results: Establishing metrics for success early in the campaign helps you work toward those goals in a more targeted way. This may include engagement rate, conversion rate, and reach, through which you can track the partnership’s performance and make adjustments as needed to maximize impact.

Pro Tip: Micro-influencers at inBeat know how to use storytelling to present any brand’s product.

This method is effective as stories that incorporate personal experiences or demonstrate the product in real-life situations tend to resonate more with audiences. 

Here’s an awesome example below:


8. Analyze Competitors Through the Facebook Ad Library 

Facebook Ad Library provides transparency by allowing anyone to view the ads a company is running across Facebook and its associated platforms.

Through competitors' examination, marketers can identify trends and refine their advertising strategies accordingly. 

Let’s see how they can use it effectively: 

  • Identify trending formats: Look at the ad formats that are commonly used by competitors, such as video, carousel, or single-image ads. Analyzing the most prevalent formats can help you decide on the best campaign approach.
  • Assess creative and messaging: Pay attention to the images, videos, headlines, and call-to-action (CTA) buttons competitors use in their ads. This will give insights into what could appeal to the brand’s target audience and how they can craft ads differently to stand out.
  • Monitor frequency and duration: Observe how often competitors run their ads and the duration for which each ad is active. This information can assist them in evaluating the optimal campaign length and frequency for business ads based on industry standards.

Pro Tip: At inBeat, our experts recommend using the ad library to gain insights into how competitors adjust their advertising strategies during different seasons like Black Friday.

This can provide valuable clues on timing the campaigns effectively and capitalizing on increased consumer interest during these periods. 


9. Increase Your Reach Through Hashtags 

Hashtags in social media posts can significantly expand your brand’s reach, especially if it has a smaller following.

Research has shown that for profiles with less than 5,000 followers, incorporating hashtags can get 36% more reach on each post

Here’s how we use hashtags effectively at inBeat and how you can implement our three-step approach: 

  • Research relevant hashtags: Find hashtags that are relevant to the brand’s content and audience. This can include niche-specific tags, trending tags, or even local tags if the business has a geographical focus.
  • Create a branded hashtag: You can also develop a unique hashtag for the brand or specific campaigns. And encourage followers to use it in their posts related to the products or services. This can help create a community around the brand.
  • Use a mix of hashtag types: Incorporating a combination of popular, moderately popular, and niche hashtags works a long way. Popular hashtags increase the chance of higher visibility, while niche hashtags target a specific audience that might be more engaged.

Pro Tip: inBeat experts always monitor the performance of posts that use different hashtags to see which ones yield the best engagement and reach. Tools like Instagram Insights can track this data effectively.

10. Write Ad Copies Using Frameworks

Ad copy frameworks can systematically enhance the effectiveness of your business’s advertising strategy.

These help structure the brand message to capture attention, convey benefits, and prompt action. 

Below are some common examples of such frameworks you can use – but feel free to invent your own: 

  • AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action): Grabs the audience's attention with a headline or image first and describes the product's benefits later to retain interest. Then, this framework creates desire by explaining how the product solves a problem. Finally, it prompts action with a strong call to action.
  • PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution): Identifies a problem the target audience faces and agitates it by highlighting the pain points and emotional impact. Then, presents the product or service as the solution that alleviates this issue.
  • FAB (Features, Advantages, Benefits): Lists the key features of the product, explains the advantages these features provide, and describes the benefits that directly impact the user.

Pro Tip: At inBeat, we test different versions of an ad copy using these frameworks to see which performs best with the brand’s target audience. Analyzing the results helps continually optimize the ad scripts based on data-driven insights. 

Real-Life Examples of Instagram Ads Optimization

There are multiple compelling real-life examples of how brands have successfully optimized their Instagram ads to achieve remarkable results. 

Let’s have a look at some of them:

1. Hurom 

Hurom UGCs 

Hurom significantly optimized its Instagram advertising strategy with inBeat by shifting away from a sales-centric approach to one that focused on health and well-being. 

This strategic move involved using performance-optimized UGCs to enhance relatability and trustworthiness.

Furthermore, it streamlined various aspects of these videos, such as hooks and calls-to-action (CTAs), to attract potential target audiences.


We helped Hurom get a 65% reduction in CPA, a 36% decrease in customer acquisition cost, and a 2.5x increase in ROAS.

2. Soylent 

Soylent ads campaign

Soylent aimed to distribute their new product lines by targeting influencers with specific interests such as outdoors, hiking, and gaming.

The goal was to raise awareness and drive engagement for their products through niche-specific influencers.

Soylent partnered with inBeat’s micro-influencers, who matched their target audience's interests.

With focused niche-specific content creation and distribution, Soylent was able to produce and share relevant and engaging content.


Our campaign generated over 5 million impressions and produced over 50+ reusable content assets through collaborations with ten content creators.

3. Native

Native UCGs

Native needed a cost-effective solution to produce a large volume of diverse, high-quality content quickly for their collection releases.

To meet this challenge, Native cast a diverse group of micro-creators from inBeat Agency.

These creators captured genuine and varied content that showcased Native’s products effectively.


Created 1,000+ unique photo and video assets with over 5 successful collection releases and achieved more than double the initial content creation goal.

Get in Touch with inBeat Agency to Optimize Your Instagram Ads

Optimizing your Instagram ads isn't just about a quick campaign win. 

Here’s what we’ve learned after years in the business helping over 200 brands to date:

When a brand consistently delivers high-quality content that resonates with its ideal customer, it develops trust and builds a community.

This loyal base becomes its biggest advocate and spreads the word organically to drive long-term success.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Use Instagram Stories, Reels, and Carousel ads to showcase your products or services in a dynamic way.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment! A/B test different ad variations, from visuals and copy to targeting options. 
  • Stop the scroll with eye-catching visuals and engaging captions that tell your brand story.
  • Leverage data to track your progress and continuously refine your approach for optimal results.

Does optimizing Instagram ads seem like too much work for you?

Connect with inBeat Agency, which will assist you in crafting high-performing Instagram campaigns.

With our expertise and data-driven approach, we can help you build a thriving presence on this social media platform that fuels long-term brand success. 

Let's chat about your goals!

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