7 Steps to Choose the Right Growth Agency for Your Business in 2024

Ioana Cozma
September 10, 2024
May 27, 2024

If you consider a growth marketing agency will help you achieve your business goals, you’re on the right page.

We’ll help you choose the right growth agency using a 7-step plan.

We’ve had hundreds of client interviews over time, so we know exactly when we click with someone.

We also know what questions we like to be asked before entering into a contract with a new client.

And we’ll share all that knowledge with you.

We’ll give you our actionable 7-step plan, insider tips, and real questions to ask growth agencies. We even have an onboarding plan you can copy.

Let’s dive in.

1. Understand Your Business Needs

This is the first and most important part because you want a growth marketing agency that can cater to your needs.

1.1. Define What to Expect from a Growth Agency

We worked with hundreds of clients at inBeat. And we found that sometimes, even defining what you expect from a growth agency can be difficult.

So, here’s how you can define your expectations:

  • Know what outcomes you seek: Increased leads, surely; conversion optimization, definitely. But let's get specific. Identify the benchmarks defining success for your partnership with a growth agency. some text
    • Pro tip: Set clear, quantifiable targets like a 20% improvement in customer acquisition rates or 10% enhancements in your conversion rates.
  • Consult with your marketing team: Discuss what a growth marketing agency should bring to the table. Your team should know whether they need more digital marketing services, SEO, or other innovative approaches growth hackers employ.
  • Focus on sustainable growth: Growth marketing is not just about rapid spikes in data charts. What you want is measurable growth that aligns seamlessly with your long-term growth ambitions.

Remember: The clarity of your initial expectations sets the tone for the entire engagement. Knowing exactly what you need allows the growth agency to align its expertise with your business goals. And this paves the way for a successful, growth-oriented partnership that pushes beyond the industry average.

1.2. Evaluate Your Current Strategies and Identify Areas Needing Improvement

Understanding your current marketing approaches and pain points will also give you the necessary direction.

Here are the steps we advise our clients to take when they’re undecided:

  • Conduct a thorough review of your existing marketing strategies: Start with your digital marketing agency or internal teams; lay out all ongoing and past campaigns. Gather every shred of data available. This isn’t just a review; it's a comprehensive audit.
  • Focus next on your digital landscape: Check if your efforts in content marketing or SEO strategies hitting the mark. Compare these with performance metrics like conversion rates or online presence growth. Use data-driven decisions to discern patterns and anomalies. Data speaks volumes.
  • Consider customer engagement: Check if your social media strategies resonate with your target market. If everything is fine, you’ll gain traction on digital growth fronts. If not, there will be a stagnation point.some text
    • Pro tip: Map out customer interactions from initial contact through to the sale. This mapping will reveal the true journey your potential customers are taking.
  • Bring in key metrics for a sharper focus: Assess whether your growth goals are aligned with your business goals. Measure, adjust, measure again. Engage with a performance marketing agency if gaps widen; they specialize in turning analytics into actionable insights.
  • Rethink the approach to growth marketing in areas lagging behind: Could a fresh perspective on inbound marketing boost those lagging areas? Perhaps a shift to more creative strategies or innovative approaches is due. Evaluate, decide, and act.

2. Set expectations and KPIs for growth

To pick the best growth-focused partnership, you must set your growth expectations and KPIs. For that, we recommend a two-pronged approach:

2.1. Set Realistic Timelines for Seeing Results from Growth Marketing Efforts

Setting a timeline is one of those things you expect to be really simple. However, it also takes planning and understanding several variables.

  • Consider a general timeline: Understand, though, that results from growth marketing won’t appear overnight. Effective digital growth takes time. Typically, anticipate an initial three to six months to start seeing tangible results. This phase involves:some text
    • Setting up key performance indicators
    • Implementing digital marketing strategies
    • Beginning the first rounds of content creation and distribution
  • Outline specific timelines for each digital marketing service: Each strategy phase—from potential SEO strategies to the full-scale execution of a social media marketing campaign —requires meticulous planning and patience. The setup phase alone can span a couple of weeks because it includes everything from researching your target market to launching the first campaigns.
  • Establish key metrics early on: Track these from the get-go. Metrics like online presence, engagement rates, and customer engagement provide early indicators of how well your digital solutions align with customer behaviors and expectations.

Insider tips:

  • Focus on data-driven marketing above anything, especially in the first few months. In fact, at inBeat Agency, we use this period to refine strategies based on the data we collect.
  • Always remember that adjustments are part of the process. They ensure that your digital marketing agency aligns its efforts with the evolving digital landscape and your specific business growth needs.

2.2. Focus on Long-Term Strategies Over Quick Fixes

When our clients first come to us, they associate the idea of “growth” with “fast growth.” You may be thinking the same.

Here’s the thing:

While some tactics may yield quicker visibility—like a targeted Growth Hackers campaign—true digital growth is measured in how well these tactics build on each other to create a sustained, upward trajectory.

Insider tip: Sustainable growth, not just exponential growth, should be your aim. This approach ensures your business remains viable and competitive over time, not just in the fleeting moments of a rapid growth surge.

Now, consider the advantages of long-term strategies:

  • Long-term strategies incorporate a comprehensive growth strategy. They involve deep integration of growth marketing services across all channels and customer touchpoints. As a result, every aspect of the customer journey is optimized for growth—from initial awareness through conversion and beyond.
  • You can focus on building a solid foundation: At inBeat, we’re experts in using content marketing and inbound marketing. These are not immediate win tactics but are essential for building a loyal customer base and improving customer retention rates over time.
  • You build a long-term relationship with a dedicated growth team: This experienced team, equipped with actionable insights, can execute innovative strategies and will drive your business toward scalable growth. Their ongoing analysis and recalibration of strategies according to market strategy shifts and customer feedback are what make growth sustainable. 
  • You can emphasize data-driven decisions: Sustainable growth is rooted in understanding and leveraging data—not just marketing trends but also internal performance metrics and customer feedback. This approach supports sales enablement and, more importantly, insulates your business against market volatility.

3. Research Potential Agencies

Okay, now that you’ve set your goals and expectations, you’re ready to review potential growth agencies and see if their services match your needs.

Here’s what we recommend:

3.1. Start with a Broad Search

The best place to look for a solid growth marketing agency is this website 😀 But if you need other venues, here’s what you can try:

  • Initiate your quest with a broad search: Look across the wide range of services offered in the digital marketing arena. It's a vast field. Include searches for terms like "growth marketing agencies" and "digital marketing agency." Start wide. Gradually, focus in. Narrow down your search based on specific needs like "data-driven marketing" or "performance marketing agency" if that aligns more closely with your strategic objectives.
  • Extend your search to your professional networks: LinkedIn is a powerhouse. Tap into it. Engage with connections who are involved with growth hacking agencies or who may have used a digital growth strategy effectively. Their recommendations can be invaluable.
  • Explore industry forums and professional groups: These platforms sometimes discuss growth marketing companies and digital marketing services. They can provide insights into which agencies have solid reputations and which are known for innovative strategies.

Pro tip: Leverage these networks to gather real-world feedback. Ask pointed questions about the agencies' approach to marketing, their customer relationship management, and their ability to deliver on promises of scalable growth.

3.2. Narrow Down Based on Specialty and Reputation

  • Scrutinize these agencies' reputations: Look for a growth agency with a proven track record of business growth and customer satisfaction. Examine their case studies and client testimonials. These are goldmines of insight into their capabilities and effectiveness.
  • Consider the range of services offered: A good growth agency offers a holistic approach that encompasses everything from customer journey analytics to detailed market strategy evaluations. The more comprehensive their services, the deeper they understand your needs.
  • Evaluate their specialty: Does the agency specialize in B2B companies, or do they cater to a broader eCommerce company base? Specificity matters. An agency that aligns with your niche can offer more tailored and effective growth strategies.
  • Look for a comprehensive growth strategy: This strategy should not only focus on short-term gains but also fortify your business against market shifts. Think digital strategy, think content strategy—integrated, cohesive, robust.

Insider tip: Expect a data-driven approach. The agency should not operate on hunches. Demand data-driven insights that feed into every informed decision and every strategy proposed. This approach ensures that every step taken is calibrated for maximum impact.

4. Evaluate Agency Fit

To determine if a growth agency's culture and values mesh with your business, start by delving deep.

  • Explore their corporate culture: Ensure it resonates with your company’s ethos. Assess their commitment to sustainable growth and long-term relationships. These are not just buzzwords; they reflect an agency's foundational principles.
  • Review their growth marketing mindset: These agencies should aim for data-driven growth. They should start by analyzing the entire customer journey and other key data about your company and competitors. Then, the agency sets a game plan with growth sprints. These growth experiments should be followed by another in-depth analysis and a zeroing in on the best growth hacking strategies for your needs. 
  • Review their case studies meticulously: These documents are not just narratives; they prove whether the growth marketing team can deliver tangible results. Besides, case studies reveal how an agency thinks and acts under various scenarios. This gives you a mirror to foresee how they might handle your needs.some text
    • Insider tip: Look for evidence of innovative strategies and customer-centric approaches.
  • Listen to client testimonials: These are voices of experience speaking directly to you. They might praise the agency’s comprehensive range of services, their customer relationship prowess, or their dedication to delivering measurable growth. As such, testimonials give you a flavor of the client service you can expect.
  • Do not overlook third-party reviews: These are the unvarnished perspectives of the marketplace. They can highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of a potential agency partner, streamlining your decision-making process.

5. Ask the Right Questions

At this step, you’re probably arranging strategy calls with different growth marketing companies. You want each call to be as productive and informative as possible, so you must ask the right questions.

It’s essential to understand your future partner’s methodology, how they measure success, and how they act if targets aren’t met.

For that, focus on the following themes:

  1. Inquire about their approach to growth marketing. Understanding their method of blending various tactics gives you a clearer picture of how they operate.
    • What specific marketing strategies do you employ?
    • How do you integrate digital marketing strategies with traditional marketing techniques?
    • Does your offering cover all my needs—from digital strategy and content creation to customer journey mapping and conversion rate optimization?
  2. Ask about their past results. It's important to see evidence of their effectiveness and what they do when things don’t go their way.
    • Can you give us specific case studies or performance data that demonstrate measurable growth in similar sectors to ours?
    • What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome?
    • Did you ever set targets you couldn’t reach? What did you do in this case?
    • What was the biggest success?
    • Why did [a specific client] come to you?
    • How did you decide on these specific growth marketing tactics?
  3. Question their client management style. Effective communication is crucial for a successful partnership.
    • How do you communicate with clients?
    • Will I have a dedicated project manager from your growth agency?
    • What's your response time?
    • How often do you update clients on the campaign progress?
  4. Delve into their experience with key performance indicators. Understanding what metrics they prioritize will tell you a lot about their focus and expertise. Besides, their ability to adapt and respond to challenges is a strong indicator of their resilience and reliability.
    • Which KPIs do you consider most crucial in campaigns similar to what you need?
    • How do these KPIs align with the objectives I have for my business?
    • What happens if targets are not met?
    • How do you handle underperformance?
    • What steps do you take to adjust strategies and get back on track?

6. Make the Final Decision

This is arguably the hardest point so far, especially if you genuinely like the agencies you had strategy calls with.

To solve this conundrum, return your focus to your established criteria and involve your team in the decision-making.

6.1. How to Compare Agencies Based on the Established Criteria

  • Align your evaluation criteria with your business goals: Compile a detailed list that includes aspects like digital strategy, data-driven creative solutions, and customer acquisition strategies. These form the core of your comparison.
  • Create a scoring system for each criterion: Rate each agency's performance in areas such as measurable growth, digital marketing services, and client testimonials. A numeric score helps clarify differences in performance across potential partners.
  • Compare each agency's actionable insights: How thoroughly do they understand your target market and growth goals? This comparison reveals which agencies are genuinely equipped to enhance your marketing efforts and help achieve long-term growth.
  • Look at their dedicated growth team and range of services: An agency that offers a comprehensive suite, including search engine optimization and social media strategies, might provide more value for your marketing efforts.

6.2. How to Conduct Team Discussions [That Weigh Pros and Cons]

  • Gather the right people for diverse perspectives: Bring your marketing team, sales team, and senior management into the conversation. Each group might see different strengths and weaknesses in the agencies under consideration.
  • Encourage open dialogue about each agency’s pros and cons: Discuss their approaches to growth marketing, the validity of their marketing strategies, and their ability to drive business growth. Such discussions can reveal crucial insights and help form a consensus.
  • Create a decision matrix: List potential agencies on one axis and your criteria on the other. Fill in the matrix with scores from your earlier evaluation to visualize which agency best meets your needs.
  • Prioritize the criteria: Decide which aspects of their service—be it their innovative approach, customer engagement strategies, or digital growth achievements—are most critical to your business. This prioritization guides the final decision, ensuring it aligns with your strategic business objectives.

Insider tip: Making the right choice involves careful deliberation and alignment with your long-term business goals. Take the time to ensure that the agency you choose is a partner you can trust to drive your business forward.

7. Negotiate Terms and Onboarding

Now, for the last step. You’re really close to bringing your agency on board. But first, you must negotiate terms. Here are our agency’s actionable advice to do both.

7.1. Tips on Negotiating Contracts [That Are AWESOME for Both Parties]

Contracts help you outline clear expectations and practices from the start. Plus, they’re also the legal approach.

We’ve entered into hundreds of contracts so far, each with different goals and timelines. Here’s what they all have in common:

  • Define clear objectives: Start by clearly outlining your business goals and growth strategy. This ensures both parties understand the objectives and can align their efforts accordingly.
  • Consider flexible terms: Negotiate terms that allow for scalability and adjustments based on performance metrics and key performance indicators. This flexibility helps manage expectations and supports sustainable growth.
  • Ensure confidentiality and security: Ensure the contract includes strong confidentiality clauses and data security measures to protect your proprietary information and customer data.
  • Define roles and responsibilities: Clearly delineate what services the agency will provide and what responsibilities your internal teams will retain. This clarity prevents overlap and confusion.
  • Include performance clauses: These clauses specify outcomes related to customer acquisition, digital strategy effectiveness, and other crucial metrics. They can motivate the agency to perform consistently.
  • Consider an exit strategy: Agree on a fair termination process. This is crucial if the partnership needs to be reassessed or if goals are not being met as expected.

7.2. Streamline the Onboarding Process [to Ensure a Smooth Transition]

Here’s what we like to see in a smooth onboarding process:

  • Initial workshops: Expect to participate in initial workshops where your dedicated growth team and the agency’s key members meet to align on the digital marketing strategy and objectives.
  • Data exchange: Be prepared for a comprehensive exchange of data, including access to existing digital marketing services, historical performance data, and insights into your target market.
  • Goal setting session: Early in the onboarding process, set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals with your agency. This session should clarify the key performance indicators that will guide the partnership.
  • Integration with internal teams: The agency should integrate smoothly with your internal teams if you decide to work together on the same tasks. Expect them to learn about and adapt to your existing processes and systems to ensure a seamless workflow.
  • Regular updates: Once the initial setup is complete, regular update meetings should be scheduled to discuss progress, address any concerns, and adjust strategies as necessary.
  • Feedback loops: Establish continuous feedback loops. These allow for ongoing adjustments and ensure that the agency’s efforts are consistently aligned with your evolving business needs.

BEST Insider Tip for Picking a Growth Agency That Fits

This brings us to the end of this article. If you followed it closely, you now have a solid game plan to choose the right growth agency for your business.

You know you need to start by understanding your business needs, goals, and KPIs before even beginning a short list of growth agencies.

So, remember to ask these agencies the right questions.

Also, conduct in-depth team discussions following the right criteria before making your choice.

Insider tip: If you need more insider tips to pick a solid agency that helps you reach your growth potential, let’s set up a free strategy call, and we’ll answer all your questions.

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