How Much Do Content Creators Cost? [A Customer Acquisition Agency Explains]

Ioana Cozma
May 21, 2024
January 30, 2024

Digital marketing is an ever-changing field. If content changes, content creation costs change, too.

Besides, the rise of social media platforms has increased the demand for high-quality content that resonates with target audiences.

And that’s even costlier.

You’re on the right page, though. This article explores:

  • The average rate of hiring content creators
  • The wide range of factors influencing these costs, from the experience level of the creators to their location
  • A 7-step plan to creating the right influencer marketing budget (using our experience as a customer acquisition agency)
  • Free tools you can use to optimize the entire process

We’ll also leverage our experience in paid ads and influencer marketing to share the latest trends in content creator fees and budget optimization.

Let’s dive in.

Influencer Pricing Per Number of Followers, Content Type, and Social Media Platform

This is the information you’re here for, so let’s get straight to it.

We’ll explain the different types of content creators and other factors in one of the sections below.

Instagram Cost

As a leading social media platform, Instagram influencer rates vary by follower tiers.

Nano-influencers charge between $40 to $150 per single post.

Micro-influencers’ rates range from $80 to $350.

For mid-tier influencers, expect to pay over $350.

Macro-influencers’ fees can go beyond $1, 000, and mega/celebrity influencers often charge upwards of $5, 000.

However, the price also depends on the type of content these influencers create, if they post it, or if creator licensing is involved.

Insider tip: This free collaboration cost calculator reveals the potential fees for different types of content that a creator can produce. All you have to do is add the influencer’s handle.

Here’s how much mid-tier influencer Yann ou Aurélie can charge per post:


While an Instagram Story is less expensive:


Insider tip: We use this tool to shortlist different creators by comparing their fees and engagement rates. Besides, we can also create a more informed social media content strategy to maximize our clients’ budgets.

TikTok Video Costs

TikTok’s surge in popularity, particularly for its engaging video content, offers cost-effective influencer rates.

The pricing structure is similar to Instagram, with nano and micro-influencers charging between $500 to $8, 000.

Mid-tier influencer rates range from $8, 000 to $20, 000, while macro and celebrity tiers range from $20, 000 to $45, 000+.

YouTube Video Sponsorship Rates

The content creation process for YouTube is more intricate, making it costlier.

Nano-influencers on YouTube charge $1, 000 to $2, 500.

Micro-influencers’ rates are set between $2, 500 to $9, 000.

Mid-tier influencers charge between $9, 000 to $25, 000, while macro and celebrity influencers range from $25, 000 to $49, 000+.

Facebook Post Pricing

Facebook remains a viable platform for influencer marketing.

Nano-influencers typically charge $500 to $1, 500, while micro-influencers range from $1, 500 to $6, 000.

Mid-tier influencers can charge between $6, 000 to $15, 000, macro – influencers $15, 000 to $40, 000, and celebrity influencers upward of $40, 000.

Snapchat Story Rates

Influencer rates on Snapchat are influenced by view counts.

Nano-influencers charge $200 to $1, 000, micro-influencers $1, 000 to $5, 000, mid-tier $5, 000 to $20, 000, macro $20, 000 to $35, 000, and celebrity influencers generally ask for $35, 000+.

Twitter (X) Post Costs

Influencer marketing on Twitter, now rebranded as X, tends to have lower rates.

Nano-influencers charge $500 to $1, 000, micro-influencers $1, 000 to $6, 000, mid-tier $6, 000 to $15, 000, macro $15, 000 to $30, 000, and celebrity influencers upward of $30, 000.

Other Content Creation Costs

Content creation is not just about the typical social media platforms.

You can choose to work with content creators who have their blogs, websites, or YouTube channels.

This is a great strategy especially for e-commerce websites, if you’re looking for strong affiliates who can write glowing reviews about your products.

Blog Content Creation

Blog content pricing varies significantly based on the writer’s experience level and the content quality.

In the US and UK markets, the cost of crafting a 1000-word blog typically ranges from $200 to $750.

Rates per word for these content writers hover between $0.30 and $0.90.

Conversely, in countries like India and the Philippines, the cost for a similar length blog is between $100 and $300, with a per-word rate of $0.10 to $0.50, reflecting regional economic differences.

Website Content Creation

Website content demands skilled content creation due to its crucial role in detailing business offerings.

This includes diverse content types like web page content, product descriptions, landing page material, catchy one-liners, and CTA (Call to Action) content.

And you can hire a content creator for your website.

Creating content for 5 to 10 web pages in the US, including all edits, can cost between $1500 and $4500.

Conversely, in India, the price for a similar scope of work ranges from $500 to $1500, illustrating the impact of talent location on content creation costs.

Video Content Creation

Video content creation costs vary widely, influenced by factors like length, content quality, and the creator’s expertise.

In the US and UK, video content costs range from $1, 200 to $20, 000.

In contrast, these costs are lower in East-Asian countries, between $500 and $10, 000.

This variation underscores the importance of considering content type and regional economic factors in content strategy planning.

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Understanding Different Types of Content Creators

We discussed different influencer rates you can expect for each type of influencer.

If you’re unfamiliar with that concept, let’s see the types of content creators you can include in your content marketing strategy.


Nano-influencers have a follower count ranging from 1, 000 to 10, 000.

Their main advantage lies in their high engagement rate and personal experience with their audience.

For a business owner focusing on performance marketing, nano-influencers:

  • Offer authentic engagement
  • Create niche content assets for specialized audiences
  • Lead to more purchase decisions because they conduct 2 times more product-related conversations with their followers

Here’s one such nano-creator, according to one of the free tools we’re using for influencer discovery – our platform:



Boasting followers between 10, 000 to 100, 000, micro-influencers offer a balance between reach and intimacy.

They are considered experienced content creators, ideal for content campaigns with specific campaign objectives.

Their ability to generate average engagement rates higher than larger influencers makes them a cost-effective option for social media influencer strategies.


Mid-Tier Influencers

With 100, 000 to 500, 000 followers, mid-tier influencers bridge the gap between micro and macro categories.

Their content creation process involves more professional communication and content strategy, making them suitable for brands with a moderate marketing budget seeking content pieces that resonate with broader target audiences.



These influencers have 500, 000 to 1 million followers.

Their wide range of followers makes them ideal for larger influencer campaigns where a significant reach balances the average costs.

For businesses, partnering with macro-influencers means tapping into a vast audience with a single content piece, but it requires a higher marketing budget and a more sophisticated content creation journey.

Besides, they may have lower engagement rates.

To counteract this problem, use inBeat’s filters to set a minimum engagement threshold and discover solid profiles like this one:



With over 1 million followers, mega-influencers are top-tier in the influencer marketing industry.

They bring unparalleled reach and are often key players in major advertising campaigns.

However, their services come at a premium, reflecting higher production costs and additional service fees.

Their influence is unmatched, but they require careful consideration regarding cost and alignment with the brand’s content marketing strategy.

10 Cost Factors Influencing Content Creator Pricing

Here are the most important considerations we use before agreeing to an influencer fee.

1. Number of Followers and Impressions

The number of followers directly impacts a content creator’s reach, with the average rate climbing as follower count increases.

Insider tip: Savvy digital marketing professionals also consider the number of impressions, as it indicates actual content visibility, which is crucial for campaign goals.

2. Engagement Rate and Previous Results

Engagement rate, indicating the level of engagement of an audience with the piece of content, is a key metric.

Insider tip: Consider previous results, like successful campaign objectives met. These should weigh heavily on pricing because they reflect the creator’s ability to deliver content that leads to purchase decisions.

So, ask potential influencers if they’ve tracked their previous campaign results using UTM links or discount codes. You might consider a larger fee if they have specific proof of their results.

3. Content Size & Time Required

The complexity and length of the content piece, whether it’s a single post or single video content, affect the hourly rate. Time investment in content creation and the content creation journey significantly influence pricing.

For example, a raw, short TikTok video may be easier to create than a long-form YouTube video. Even a polished Instagram post may take longer to create.

Consider this video below:

Side note: Albeit simple and powered by an AI voice, this was one of our best-performing videos to promote the inbox decluttering app

These types of videos skyrocketed the app’s downloads to 100, 000+ and decreased CPAs by 75% across all channels.

Now take this video:

This TikTok clip was part of a larger campaign to promote the dating app Bumble.

Our influencers had to film their entire first date and showcase it online.

This type of video requires more time to make and is also longer, so it may cost more.

However, Bumble’s downloads and active users skyrocketed after this campaign.

4. Type of Content

Different types of content — like blog content, social media content creation, or videos — require different skill sets and resources.

And they also produce different ROI.

That’s why, for example, a blog post’s social media strategy and content writing costs less than producing a high-quality video ad for YouTube.

5. Talent Location

The location of the content creator can impact the cost of content creation.

Local market conditions and living costs play a part in determining content creation price lists and social media management pricing.

For example, a team of content creators in the US or UK may cost more than a team of diverse creators worldwide.

On the other hand, if your goal is to target a specific geographic location, the best idea may be to pick influencers from that area.

6. Packaging and Longer-Term Commitments

Pricing can be influenced by packaging deals, where multiple content assets are bundled together.

Longer-term commitments may reduce rates per content piece due to the stability they offer to the creator.

7. Additional Costs

Be aware of additional costs such as production costs, social media management tools, and agency partner fees.

These can add up and should be considered part of the overall content creation cost.

If you conduct product seeding, the price of the products you send to your creators will also tip the costs’ balance.

8. Posting Content on the Influencer’s Page

The cost typically increases when influencers post the content directly on their pages.

This is due to the added value of leveraging the influencer’s established audience and social media presence.

Posting on their page offers greater visibility and potentially higher engagement rates than content shared only by the brand.

This method essentially turns every content piece into a direct advertising campaign, harnessing the influencer’s credibility and reach.

9. Creating Ads

Developing advertisements, such as Spark Ads on TikTok, involves additional costs.

These costs are not just for creating the ad itself but also for the strategy and expertise required to ensure its effectiveness.

Spark Ads, which allow brands to use organic posts from creators as ads, entail a nuanced understanding of performance marketing and content marketing strategy.

This specialized skill set, coupled with these ads’ potential reach and impact, makes their creation more costly.

10. Creator Licensing

Licensing fees come into play when brands seek to use the creator’s content beyond the initial scope, such as for broader marketing campaigns or longer durations.

This involves the right to repurpose the content across different mediums or channels.

Licensing can significantly increase costs, as it often includes negotiations around the extent of usage rights, duration, and exclusivity.

Pro tip: The value of that content, in terms of its potential impact and versatility, plays a crucial role in determining the licensing cost.

Setting a Budget for Content Creation and Influencer Marketing Campaigns

When we set a marketing budget for content creation and influencer marketing campaigns, we factor in the content quality, expected ROI (Return on Investment), and the campaign’s objectives.

Understanding the influencer marketing industry dynamics and the average costs involved in hiring experienced writers or social media influencers is also essential.

That said, here are seven easy steps to build a solid budget for your influencer marketing campaign.

7 Step-Guide to Your Influencer Campaign Budget

  • Define campaign goals: Clearly outline your campaign objectives to ensure alignment with your brand’s content marketing strategy.
  • Identify target audience: Understanding your target audience helps select the right influencer type and content.
  • Choose platforms wisely: Choose social media platforms appropriately based on where your audience spends time.
  • Assess influencer fit: Consider the influencer’s relevance, engagement rate, and personal experience in your niche.
  • Allocate for content types: Different types of content—from blog posts to video content—have varying costs. Use the c
  • Plan for scale and reach: Decide if you want to work with micro-influencers or larger influencers based on your scale requirements.
  • Factor in additional costs: Always include a buffer for extra expenses, such as content creation process adjustments or unforeseen production costs. Social media management tools and content agencies also add to the overall expenditure.

Wrapping Up

Content creators appear to be the future of marketing.

Some don’t just create content like engaging blog posts, compelling social media content creation, or informative video content. The best ones craft content ideas that align with campaign goals, reducing your CPAs and ad fatigue considerably.

That’s how the content creators we picked at inBeat performed for our clients.

Luckily, this article gave you plenty of free tools to find the right influencers and assess their costs.

Pro tip: if you want to skip the research step, inBeat is happy to assist. We’ll help you pick highly professional, engaged creators who produce high-quality content for your audience at affordable costs.

Set a free strategy call, and you can obtain the same amazing results as the clients we mentioned above.

Want more examples of successful influencer marketing strategies? Check out our case studies.

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