6 Steps to Corporate Advertising Done Right in 2024 (Agency's Tips)

Ioana Cozma
September 5, 2024
May 29, 2024

Did you know that an average person is exposed to over 50 to 400 advertisements each day?

Well, that's a huge amount of competition! This implies that you need to design a strategic, targeted, and impactful corporate advertising strategy to really stand out. 

Although it may seem a challenging task, the right guidance will let you successfully craft such a strategy that gets noticed and achieves real results.

To help you through the process, we will explore different aspects of corporate advertising in this blog post, including: 

  • Introduction to corporate advertising and its benefits 
  • A guide on designing an exceptional corporate advertising strategy 
  • Tips on how to ensure the success of your campaign 
  • Real-life success stories of corporate advertising 
P.S.: Want to see a real return on your advertising investment? inBeat Agency can help! We aren’t just about empty likes and shares. Instead, we believe in crafting measurable campaigns to supercharge your brand growth. To achieve this, we handpick the top 2% of influencers with a proven track record of success to deliver high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.  


  • Corporate Advertising Essentials: Focuses on promoting a company as a whole, not just products, through strategic campaigns during major events or societal discussions.
  • Benefits: Increases brand awareness, showcases products, strengthens market positioning, attracts investors, builds credibility, and accesses global markets.
  • Steps to Success: Define clear objectives, craft compelling brand messages, choose the right advertising channels, strategically set budgets, integrate with other marketing efforts, and monitor performance with analytical tools.
  • Real-World Success: Case studies from Lululemon and FIGS illustrate significant revenue growth through targeted corporate advertising strategies that resonate with their audiences.
  • Key Takeaways: Know your audience, select relevant platforms, track and optimize campaign performance, and use high-quality visuals and messaging for effective engagement.
  • inBeat Agency: Offers performance-driven campaign management with a focus on measurable results through top-tier influencer partnerships.

What Is Corporate Advertising?

Corporate advertising is a marketing strategy aimed at promoting a company as a whole, rather than its individual products or services.

You can typically see these kinds of ads during significant events or through campaigns that emphasize the company's role in societal issues, sustainability efforts, or economic contributions.

Like so:

Corporate advertising example

Major Benefits of Corporate Advertising 

Corporate advertising offers a range of benefits that can significantly impact your firm's success.

These include: 

  • Brand awareness: A well-executed advertising campaign can increase your brand’s recognition and recall among consumers. This precisely demonstrates its power in making a business familiar and recognizable to the target audience.
  • Showcasing new products: Corporate ads allow you to highlight key features and benefits of your products to a broad audience to create anticipation. For instance, Apple's launch events and subsequent advertising campaigns are known for generating significant consumer interest even before the products hit the shelves.
  • Market positioning: You can strengthen your market positioning by consistently conveying your brand’s unique value propositions to differentiate itself from competitors. For example, Tesla’s focus on sustainability and innovation in its advertising helps it stand out in the automotive industry. 
  • Attracts investors: High-profile corporate advertising also increases your company's visibility to customers and potential stakeholders. A strong, visible brand can convince investors to give more money because it suggests a promising return on investment. 
  • Builds trust and credibility: Regular, reliable messaging through corporate advertising can establish your brand’s reputation as a trustworthy entity.  This is important as a survey by Edelman found that trust in a brand is a deciding factor for 81% of consumers when making a purchase. 
  • Access to global markets: Digital platforms and global media channels can help your brand reach an international audience effectively. For instance, Coca-Cola uses global advertising strategies to tap into new markets by adapting its messages to local languages while maintaining a consistent global brand image.
  • Long-term use: Corporate advertising can be designed for long-term use. This means the core elements of a campaign can remain effective and relevant for extended periods. Nike's Just Do It slogan is an example of a long-term advertising strategy that has remained effective for decades.

6 Steps to Design an Effective Corporate Advertising Strategy 

The six steps below will help you build a winning corporate advertising strategy: 

1. Define Your Objectives 

Setting clear goals lets you measure success and ensure that your marketing efforts are in sync with your broader business strategy.

This focus helps you allocate resources efficiently and enhances your advertising campaigns’ overall impact. 

Here’s how we help our clients define their objectives:

  • Identify your target market: We conduct detailed market segmentation to pinpoint exactly who a brand’s customers are. Using demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data helps create a comprehensive profile of the target audience. 
  • Set measurable goals: Developing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals helps in the long run. For instance, aim to increase web traffic by 30% within the next quarter or boost lead generation by 20% year-over-year.
  • Align with business aims: Regularly review your business strategy to ensure that your advertising objectives contribute directly to achieving key outcomes, such as market expansion or product diversification.
  • Consider long-term impacts: We also strategize for sustainability by setting objectives that encourage long-term engagement and brand loyalty, like enhancing customer service or improving product quality.

Pro Tip: At inBeat, we use predictive analytics tools that analyze current and historical data to forecast trends and customer behaviors. This provides a more informed basis for setting goals that are realistic and strategically advantageous.

2. Craft a Compelling Brand Message

A compelling brand message resonates with your audience and helps distinguish your company from its competitors while reinforcing its value proposition.

Moreover, this message is crucial for creating an emotional connection with consumers, which drives loyalty and engagement. 

But how to craft one? 

Feel free to steal a page of our playbook: 

  • Define your unique value proposition: We clearly articulate what sets a brand apart from competitors. The focus should be on the unique benefits the products or services offer that address the specific needs or desires of the target audience.
  • Keep it simple and memorable: We would also advise you to create a message that is easy to understand and sticks in the mind of your audience. Avoid jargon and complex language. Instead, use concise, impactful wording that communicates your message quickly and effectively. 
  • Align with customer values: Understand the values and beliefs that are important to your audience. Then, craft a message that echoes these aspects to enhance relevance and resonance with your market.
  • Consistency across all channels: Ensure your brand message is consistent across all marketing channels. We do this by developing a comprehensive brand guideline that details the use of meaningful symbols or logos, color palettes, typography, and voice. A study by Lucidpress found that consistent branding across all channels can increase revenue by up to 23%

Pro Tip: Our experts at inBeat test the brand message with focus groups or A/B testing campaigns to evaluate its effectiveness. We gather feedback from real users that provides critical insights to refine the message so it truly aligns with your target demographic.

3. Select Suitable Advertising Channels 

Choosing the right advertising channels is critical to ensure your brand message reaches your target audience effectively.

The selection of channels depends on where your audience spends their time and how they prefer to receive information. 

Some of the common channels include: 

  • Digital platforms: Use online advertising through social media, as 91% of businesses employ this approach, and you don’t want to miss your mark. Besides, options like search engines and display ads are also great. Tailor your approach based on platform demographics, like using Instagram for younger audiences or LinkedIn for professional engagement.
  • Television and radio: We sometimes recommend leveraging traditional media for broad reach. TV is ideal for visual storytelling and mass market appeal, while radio can be effective for targeting local audiences and driving call-to-action messaging.
  • Print media: We also recommend employing newspapers, magazines, and brochures for audiences that prefer physical media. This is particularly effective for detailed, credibility-building content aimed at older demographics or niche markets.
  • Outdoor advertising: Use billboards, transit ads, and banners for high visibility in specific geographical areas. This method is excellent for building brand awareness in busy urban settings or specific local communities.

Pro Tip: At inBeat, we integrate cross-channel marketing strategies to enhance reach and message retention. Coordinating the message across multiple channels increases the likelihood of the target audience encountering and engaging with the brand multiple times.

Corporate advertising print media 

4. Set the Budget Strategically 

Strategic budget setting involves allocating funds based on the potential ROI from each channel.

Proper budget management ensures that your corporate advertising efforts can be sustained over the long term while achieving the desired outcomes. 

You can do this in the following ways: 

  • Assess past performance: Review historical data to determine which channels have provided the best ROI. Currently, SEO offers higher returns, but it may vary depending on your business needs. Allocate a higher percentage of your budget to any such proven channel while experimenting modestly with new avenues.
  • Define campaign objectives: We match our budgeting decisions with specific campaign goals. For example, we allocate more funds to brand awareness campaigns if a brand is entering a new market or invest in conversion-driven campaigns if boosting sales is the priority.
  • Consider seasonal fluctuations: Plan for seasonal variations in consumer behavior and industry trends. We advise you to increase your budget during peak shopping periods or industry-specific events to capitalize on higher consumer spending.
  • Keep a contingency fund: Set aside a portion of your budget for unexpected opportunities or adjustments. This flexibility allows you to respond to market changes, test new strategies, or maximize unforeseen marketing opportunities. 

Pro Tip: inBeat experts employ data-driven budgeting tools and software to dynamically adjust your spending based on real-time performance metrics. These can help optimize budget allocation continuously to ensure that you are always investing in the most effective strategies.

5. Integrate with Other Marketing Efforts 

Effective integration of corporate advertising with other marketing efforts ensures that all communication forms and marketing tactics work in unison.

This creates a cohesive strategy that amplifies each individual effort and builds a solid brand experience.

Here are the most common steps we recommend to our clients: 

  • Coordinate with content marketing: Align your advertising campaigns with your content marketing strategy. Use key themes from your blog posts or videos in your ads to reinforce the message and improve recall.
  • Leverage social media synergy: We ensure that all our social media efforts complement our advertising campaigns. We achieve this by engaging with audiences on platforms in a way that double-folds the reach and impact of the direct advertising efforts. 
  • Use email marketing: Following an advertising push, we target the corporate advertising audience with a specific email campaign to reinforce the brand message and drive conversions.
  • Sync promotions and PR: Coordinating your promotional activities and public relations efforts with your advertising schedule can ensure consistency throughout all external communications. This drives stronger, more unified messaging across all platforms.

Furthermore, effective corporate strategies may require refined ancillary services like payroll management to ensure smooth internal operations aligned with marketing goals. Streamlined payroll processes also aid in minimizing operational distractions, allowing you to focus more on campaign success.

Pro Tip: inBeat experts use a centralized marketing calendar to plan and visualize how different marketing activities and campaigns align and overlap. This tool helps ensure that all marketing efforts are strategically coordinated to support one another effectively.

6. Monitor the Performance through Analytical Tools 

To make data-driven decisions for your corporate advertising strategy, it’s important to monitor its performance through analytical tools.

They offer insights into how well campaigns perform in real time so you can optimize the strategies, adjust budgets, and improve overall ROI. 

Let’s have a look at some such platforms that offer these capabilities: 

  • Google Analytics: We use this comprehensive tool to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. It's particularly useful for assessing the impact of online advertising on a site's performance.
  • Facebook Insights and Ad Manager: They help monitor the performance of your campaigns on Facebook by providing detailed metrics about engagement, reach, and conversion rates for ads run on the platform.
  • Hootsuite or Sprout Social: These social media management tools help us track engagement and the performance of our advertising campaigns across multiple social media platforms.
  • SEMrush or Ahrefs: They are SEO and marketing tools that help analyze your search advertising campaigns and overall online visibility. We highly recommend you to track keyword performance and competitive analysis through them. 

Pro Tip: At inBeat, we integrate these tools into a central dashboard that offers a unified view of all marketing data. This approach allows our experts to cross-reference data from different sources to provide a comprehensive view of campaign performance across various channels.

Google Analytics for measuring campaign progress 

5 Proven Tips For a Successful Corporate Advertising Campaign 

Let’s explore some essential tips for creating a successful corporate advertising campaign in this section: 

  1. Incorporate storytelling: According to a recent study, people retain 65% to 70% of information if it’s conveyed through a story. For this, we advise identifying stories that align with a business’s core values and connect with your target audience's experiences. This includes adding customer testimonials or the brand’s history. 
  2. Leverage creative visuals: This means investing in innovative graphics, dynamic video content, and striking photography that draws the eye and enhances the overall appeal of your advertising campaign. We believe creative visuals should go beyond mere decoration; they should convey key messages, evoke emotions, and prompt actions in ways that words alone cannot.
  3. Partner with influencers: Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand values to reach a broader audience. Influencers can lend credibility and a personal touch to your campaign to drive engagement and trust among their followers. You can hire some high-quality content creators from platforms like inBeat
  4. Experiment with unconventional formats: Break away from traditional ad formats and explore unconventional methods such as guerrilla marketing, immersive pop-up experiences, or interactive installations in public spaces. These formats can create buzz and make your campaign stand out in a saturated market.
  5. Engage in two-way communication with your audience: Lastly, engaging in two-way communication with your audience develops a sense of involvement and responsiveness. To effectively do so, we suggest using social media platforms, email, customer service channels, and feedback mechanisms such as surveys and focus groups. 
An example of a feedback email

Corporate Advertising - Successful Case Studies 

Many brands have successfully achieved the desired results by incorporating corporate advertising.

Let’s have a look at two of them: 

1. Lululemon

Lululemon Instagram Advertising 

Lululemon's corporate advertising strategy is designed to resonate deeply with its audience while promoting a lifestyle centered around wellness and performance. 

A key aspect of the brand’s approach involves storytelling and community engagement.

Basically, Lululemon partners with brand ambassadors of diverse backgrounds, including athletes and artists, to convey authentic stories of personal achievement and wellness.


The brand’s FEEL campaign, which emphasized well-being over physical performance and expanded to international markets, helped it achieve a remarkable 125% increase in international net revenue.

This strategic effort aimed at broadening its customer base and resonating with newer demographics like Gen Z.

2. FIGS 

FIGS Instagram Advertising 

FIGS, a direct-to-consumer healthcare apparel brand, has implemented a focused corporate advertising strategy centered on its strong online presence and targeted marketing.

It leverages a combination of engaging product presentations on its website and strategic social media advertising to connect with the audience effectively. 

The company also focuses on creating compelling content, such as video and story ads, to retain customer attention meaningfully.

That’s a solid approach because these corporate ad formats typically generate high engagement rates.


FIGS observed a steady increase in net revenues throughout the year.

This includes a 13% growth in the second quarter, 10.7% in the third quarter, and an overall annual growth of 7.9% by the end of the year. These results reflect the effectiveness of its direct-to-consumer model and the targeted corporate advertising efforts.

Maximize the Impact of Your Corporate Advertising Strategy with inBeat Agency

A successful corporate advertising campaign cuts through the clutter in today's saturated market. T

o achieve this, you need a well-defined roadmap. Be it defining your objectives or analyzing crucial metrics post its launch, every step equally matters. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • The foundation lies in knowing your audience and tailoring your message for maximum impact.
  • Reach your target audience where they're most active by selecting the most relevant platforms.
  • Track performance closely and make adjustments to optimize your campaign for the best possible results.
  • High-quality visuals and messaging that resonate with your audience are key to grabbing attention and driving engagement.
Still struggling to break through the noise? inBeat Agency can be your secret weapon for cutting-edge corporate advertising. We're a performance-driven growth agency specializing in creating impactful campaigns. Our micro-influencers deliver authentic content that connects with your target audience and drives measurable results. Contact us today!

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